Trip Report: DRAMBORA Workshop
DRAMBORA Workshop, 23 October 2007, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München
DRAMBORA (Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment) is a framework for risk assessment aiming at projects that have to do with digital repositories. From their website:
This toolkit is intended to facilitate internal audit by providing repository administrators with a means to assess their capabilities, identify their weaknesses, and recognise their strengths. Digital repositories are still in their infancy and this model is designed to be responsive to the rapidly developing landscape. The development of the toolkit follows a concentrated period of repository pilot audits undertaken by the DCC, conducted at a diverse range of organisations including national libraries, scientific data centres and cultural and heritage data archives.
General impression[edit]
The two lecturers -- Andrew McHugh from the DCC and Raivo Ruusalepp from the DPE -- were very competent regarding the framework. Both worked on DRAMBORA for a considerable amount of time and contributed to it's formulation and revision.
Info material[edit]
The toolkit can be downloaded after registration from . It consists of a PDF file containing an introduction into the methodology of audits and risk assessment, guidelines for risk evaluation, as well as a questionnaire that helps in auditing a digital repository project. This questionnaire can be downloaded also as a Word file or an Excel sheet.