ESciDoc Services CitationStyleManager

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ID (Label)[edit]


Complete Name[edit]

Citation Style Manager Service




This service formats the descriptive metadata of a content item (or a list of content items) in accordance with specific citation style such as APA, MLA, Chicago, MPG Yearbook citation style and others and generates a file with specific output format such as RTF, PDF or HTML.

Name Regierungszeit Abstammung
Stephan II. 1347–1375 Herzog von Bayern Sohn Kaiser Ludwigs IV.
Friedrich 1375–1393 Herzog von Bayern-Landshut Sohn Stephans II.
Heinrich XVI. 1393–1450 Herzog von Bayern-Landshut Sohn Friedrichs
Ludwig IX. 1450–1479 Herzog von Bayern-Landshut Sohn Heinrichs XVI.
Georg 1479–1503 Herzog von Bayern-Landshut Sohn Ludwigs IX.


Operation Status Input Output Description
explainStyles implemented none List of styles and supported

output formats in accordance
with the explain_styles.xsd||This operation retrieves a list
of supported citation styles and
for each of them supported output

format such as RTF, PDF, HTML. 
getOutput implemented String citationStyle

String outputFormat
String itemList

byte [] The service takes as an input
citationStyle identifier, an 

output format identifier and a list

of content items and returns a byte
array with metadata formatted in
accordance with selected citation

style and output format.

Note: in future it is planned to
return a URL from where the temporary
file can be downloaded.

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