PubMan Func Spec User Management

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UC_PM_UM_01 create account user[edit]

A new user should be given an account in the system, i.e. the user gets registered by a user ID.


• The user wants to create a new account user.


• Local Administrator


• None

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to create an account user.
  • 2. The system displays a list of all open organizational units and subunits for which the user has the privileges as “Local Administrator”.
  • 3. (Optionally) The user chooses to view the organizational unit description.
    • 3.1. The system displays the organizational unit description.
  • 4. The user selects one organizational unit and confirms the choice.
  • 5. The system assigns the account user as a member of the selected organizational unit and displays the account user edit view.
  • 6. The user specifies an user-id, the e-mail and optionally a name of the account user and confirms the choice.
  • 7. The system checks if an account user with the given user-id already exists.
    • a. An account user with the given user-id does not exist in the system.
    • b. Otherwise the system displays an error message (MSG_PM_UM_01), continue with 6.
  • 5. The system creates and stores a new account user in the state inactive and sets the timestamp of creation. The user preferences are populated with the system defaults. The system creates an e-mail to the new account user with a predefined subject, text and link for the confirmation request. The e-mail of the user who has created the new account user is used as reply-to. The system displays a success message (MSG_PM_UM_02). The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• A new account user in the state inactive is created and a confirmation request via e-mail is sent.

UC_PM_UM_02 log on to the system[edit]

A user needs to log on to the system to act according to his privileges as “Account User”.


• The user wants to log on to the system.


• User


• None

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to log on to the system.
    • 2. The system prompts for the user-id and a password.
    • 3. The user enters his user-id, the password and confirms the input.
    • 4. The system checks whether the combination of user-id and password is valid and the account user is active.
      • a. The combination is valid and the account user is active.
      • b. Otherwise the system displays an error message (MSG_PM_UM_03), continue with 3.
    • 5. The system logs the user on. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The account user is logged-in.

UC_PM_UM_03 log off from the system[edit]

An account user wants to log off from the system.


• The user wants to log off from the system.


• Account User


• The user is logged in as an account user.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to log off from the system.
  • 2. The system logs the user off. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The account user is logged off from the system.

UC_PM_UM_05 edit account user[edit]

The user changes data of an account user.


• The wants to change the data of an account user. • This use case is included by the use case UC_PM_UM_09 confirm account user.


• Local Administrator • Account User


• An account user is selected. • If the user has the role “Local Administrator”, the selected account user has to be member of any organizational unit or subunit for which the user has the privileges as “Local Administrator”. • If the user has the role “Account User”, the selected account user is identical to the user (actor).

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to edit the selected account user.
  • 2. The system displays the account user edit view.
  • 3. (Optionally) The user edits the name and the e-mail of the account user and confirms the choice.
    • 3.1. The system saves the data and displays a success message (MSG_PM_UM_04).
  • 4. (Optionally) The user chooses to change the password.
    • 4.1. The system prompts for a new password and the repetition of the password.
    • 4.2. The user enters a new password twice and confirms the input.
    • 4.3. The system checks, if both password strings are equal.
      • a. The strings are equal. The system stores the new password and displays a success message (MSG_PM_UM_05)
      • b. The strings are not equal. The system displays an error message (MSG_PM_UM_06), continue with 4.1.
  • 5. (Optionally) If the user has the role “Local Administrator” he can also choose to change the organizational unit assigned to the selected user.
    • 5.1. The system displays a list of all open organizational units and subunits for which the user has the privileges as “Local Administrator”.
    • 5.2. (Optionally) The user chooses to view the organizational unit description.
      • 5.2.1. The system displays the organizational unit description.
    • 5.3. The user selects one organizational unit and confirms the change..
    • 5.4. The system assigns the account user as a member of the selected organizational unit and displays a success message (MSG_PM_UM_07).
  • 6. Extension point: change user preferences
    • 6.1. If the user is identical to the account user and wants to change the preferences, include use case UC_PM_UM_06 change user preferences.
  • 7. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The data for the account user is stored.