PubMan Func Spec Quality Assurance

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UC_PM_QA_01 confirm pre-check item[edit]

The user selects the last version of an item for a formal pre-check. Depending on the publication or modification workflow the item has to be checked by one Metadata Editor.


• The user wants to do a formal pre-check of an item.


• Metadata Editor


• One item is selected. Comment Natasa: Last item version is selected? • The last item version is in state “submitted”.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to pre-check the item.
  • 2. Include use case UC_PM_SM_09 validate item for validation point “submit”.

Comment Natasa: Why for validation point “submit” should not the validation point be “release”? (i.e. the validation point “submit” is already “passed” during the submission of an item.)

Comment uat: Agree. ..or rather include rules for validation point “accept”

  • 3. The system checks the validation report status.
    • a. The validation report status is valid.
    • b. The validation report status is invalid. The selected item is unaffected. The system displays an error message (MSG_PM_QA_01). The use case ends without success.
  • 4. The system prompts for a comment.
  • 5. (Optionally) The user enters a comment.
  • 6. The user confirms the input.

Comment Natasa: Not clear: what is this comment about and where is this comment kept?

  • 7. The system displays a success message (MSG_PM_QA_02). The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• None

UC_PM_QA_03 accept item[edit]

The user accepts the last item version because the formal quality of the item is good.


• The user wants to accept an item.


• Moderator


• One item is selected. • The last item version is in state “submitted”.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to accept the item.
  • 2. Include use case UC_PM_SM_09 validate item for validation point “accept”.
  • 3. The system checks the validation report status.
    • a. The validation report status is valid.
    • b. The validation report status is invalid. The selected item is unaffected. The system displays an error message (MSG_PM_QA_03). The use case ends without success.
  • 4. The system prompts for a comment.
  • 5. (Optionally) The user enters a comment for the check.
  • 6. The user confirms the input.

Comment Natasa: To clarify where is this comment kept? Item event log?

  • 7. The system displays a success message (MSG_PM_QA_04). The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• None

UC_PM_QA_04 send item back for rework[edit]

The user is not satisfied with the item version data and therefore sends the item version back for rework to the Depositor.

Comment Natasa: Last item version


• The user wants to send an item back for rework.

Comment Natasa: The last item version


• Metadata Editor • Moderator • Authority


• One item is selected. Comment Natasa: The last item version • The last item version is in state “submitted”.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to send the item back for rework.
  • 2. The system prompts for a comment.
  • 3. (Optionally) The user specifies a comment.
  • 4. The user confirms the input.
  • 5. The system changes the status of the item version to “in rework” and displays a success message (MSG_PM_QA_05). The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The item version is in state “in rework”.

UC_PM_QA_06 authorize item[edit]

The user authorizes the last item version because the scientific quality of the item is good.


• The user wants to authorize an item.


• Authority


• One item is selected. • The last item version is in state “submitted”.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to authorize the item.
  • 2. The system prompts for a comment.
  • 3. (Optionally) The user enters a comment for the check.
  • 4. The user confirms the input.
  • 5. The system displays a success message (MSG_PM_QA_06). The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• None

UC_PM_QA_07 send item back for formal check[edit]

The user is not satisfied with the quality of the metadata of the last item version and therefore sends the item version back for formal check to the Moderator.


• The user wants to send an item back for formal check.


• Authority


• One item is selected. • The last item version is in state “submitted”.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to send the item back for formal check.
  • 2. The system prompts for a comment.
  • 3. (Optionally) The user specifies a comment.
  • 4. The user confirms the input.
  • 5. The system stores the information and displays a success message (MSG_PM_QA_07). The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• None

UC_PM_QA_08 release item[edit]

The system releases the last version of the item.


• The item has to be released.

Comment Natasa: Last item version


• System


• One item is selected. • The last item version is in state “submitted”.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The system requests a PID and assigns it to the item. For each file attached to the item the system requests a PID and assigns it to the file.
  • 2. The system sets the state of the item version to “released”.
  • 3. The system saves the data and displays a success message (MSG_PM_QA_08). The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The item version is in state “released”.