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wednesday 26.10.11[edit]

Keynote: JISC managing research data programme[edit]

Some programs links:

Managing Research Data Trusted Cloud Infrastructure


  • data deluge
  • put also opportunities, eg data reuse

drivers of the jisc mrd programme[edit]

results / lessons learnt[edit]

Source JISC Data Centres Report (link not caught)

  • needs
    • closer cooperation
    • better training of staff
    • improved practise. ie: before the data is captured/archived ("upstream")
  • outputs and results of the MRD program
    • support data lifecycle
      • circle plan, create (store, annotate), use, appraise (discard, select), publish (identify, describe, discover (access), reuse
      • reused some work of national library of australia ("data verbs").
    • leadership and policy development
    • develop benefits for all stakeholders, (phd student, individul research, research team (eg, do we still have the data when a team-member leaves), university, supra-university
    • need for bottom-up approach, lessons from the [1] Incremental project of Cambridge/Glasgow universities
    • five training projects on specific areas (keywords for later search: mantra
    • DCC how-to guides on data management
    • madam project (madam) helps guide project planning for funding applications (see drives above, requirement for DMP Data Management Plan).
    • social science research data dmp project by uk data archive
    • Data Management Recommendations from same source
    • data management costing toold
    • Erim engineering research. specifically looking at engineering mapping datasets (developed cooperatively).
    • sample project in biology fishnet online like AWOB for freshwater biologists

Escidoc Overview[edit]





ESciDoc Japan[edit]



escidoc Browser/Admintool[edit]

Thursday 27.10.11[edit]

developer track humboldt room breakout session mozart room