PubMan 7 1

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Revision as of 08:35, 10 August 2012 by MFranke (talk | contribs) (→‎Fedora)
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This page shall contain every change that is made during a qa release of the version mentioned above. If it's not here, it never happened!

PubMan 7.1 Release[edit]

Affected Servers[edit]


cd /X/fedora
java -jar foxml.jar oaidc /X/fedora/data/objects
  • Correct manually:
File: /X/fedora/data/objects/2009/0213/13/15/escidoc_54203
Remove OU escidoc:1462638 from FOXML
Remove OU escidoc:persistent25 from FOXML
Remove OU escidoc:971545 from FOXML
  • Persistent objects: XSI namespace on oai_dc elements seem to be fixed already
  • Fedora rebuild

Coreservice Apache[edit]

  • set url request length in /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/coreservice.conf:
 LimitRequestLine 65000
 LimitRequestFields 100
 LimitRequestFieldsize 65000

Coreservice JBoss[edit]

  • upgrade to JBoss 4.2.3-GA, install JBoss patch
  • configure url request length in JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/server.xml:

Core Infrastructure[edit]

  • for manual update: make sure ./conf/search/config/index/searchResult2Soap.xslt contains the attribute omit-xml-declaration="yes"

Core Properties[edit]

Core Database[edit]

  • run database migration 1.2 -> 1.3

Core Lucene Index[edit]

  • Indexing stylesheet itemContainerAdminXmlToLucene.xslt was adapted (new index "/isLatestVersion" added)

copy the file from


to coreservice server, directory

  • same for stylesheet mpdlEscidocXmlToLucene.xslt

copy the file from


to coreservice server, directory

  • Afterwards, an reindex is required
  • Add the DC-MAPPING to the publication content model:
    • Get the rest representation of the content model
    • Add the content stream like this
<escidocContentStreams:content-streams xlink:type="simple" xlink:title="Content streams of Item escidoc:2001" xlink:href="/cmm/content-model/escidoc:2001:3/content-streams">
<escidocContentStreams:content-stream   name="DC-MAPPING"
 xlink:type="simple" xlink:title="" xlink:href=""
 mime-type="text/xml" storage="external-managed"

PubMan EAR[edit]

  • pubman_ear-7.1.2.ear
  • oaiprovider.war von QA nach live kopieren, OAI-DB leeren.

PubMan Properties[edit]

PubMan Apache[edit]

PubMan JBoss[edit]

  • upgrade to JBoss 4.2.3-GA


  • copy and adapt from QA jboss conf directory:
    • conf.xml

Validation Database[edit]

  • validation schemas have been modified: rebuild of validation database is necessary

Migration database[edit]

CoNE Database (all except[edit]

eSciDoc Admin[edit]

Data Migration (informational)[edit]

  • some queries enveloped in SearchRetrieveResponses
    • UserGroupList and GrantList

PubMan Software Homepage[edit]