Imeji install

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Template:Imeji This Page descibes how to install the imeji sofware.

Install Java[edit]

imeji supports java 6. Compatibility with Java 7 is not guarantee:

Install JBoss[edit]

As a web software, imeji needs an application server. Currently imeji supports only JBoss 4.2.x:

Install eSciDoc[edit]

Download and install escidoc

Download imeji[edit]

Last imeji stable version is always avalible on the MPDL nexus:

Deploy imeji[edit]

To Deploy imeji:

  1. Copy the imeji ear file in JBoss (JBoss_Home_Path/server/default/deploy)
  2. Set the imeji Properties in (JBoss_Home_Path/server/default/deploy/ For more information about the properties see Imeji_properties here
  3. Start the server (JBoss_Home_Path/bin/run.xx)
  4. imeji runs under your_server:port/imeji

Eventually an Apache Server can be installed.