PubMan Func Spec MARC21

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Revision as of 21:31, 20 December 2012 by Stefan Krause (talk | contribs) (for easier comparing: bach to the version from 2012-09-24)
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PubMan MARC comment
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:DOI'] 856 4# $u DOI is repeated in $024 7# $a
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:URI'] 856 ?# $u ind1 is "4" if the content starts with "http://", else "#"
dc:identifier[not(@xsi:type = ('eterms:ISBN', 'eterms:ISSN'))] 024 7# $a $2 some IDs are repeated as links in $856 4# $u
dcterms:abstract 520 3# $a  
dcterms:tableOfContents 505 8# $a multiple lines are concateneted with »; «
not mapped (but childs are processed)  
not mapped (childs not processed) some child elements from escidocItem:properties and escidocComponents:components may be processed anyway
event:event/eterms:place 711 $c multiple eterm:place elements are merged in one single subfield c; use case: 711 $c
file:file/dc:format[@xsi:type eq 'dcterms:IMT'] 865 4# $q  
file:file/dcterms:extent 865 4# $s  
item-list:item-list marc:collection  
organization:organization/dc:identifier X10 $0 If the type of the identifier can be detected, e.g. from the xsi:type-attribute, the identifier gets a prefix (in parantheses)
person:person/dc:identifier X00 $0  
publication:publication marc:record this template produces a lot of subsequent marc:datafields like leader, 003, 005, 008 …
publication:publication/dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISBN'] 020 ## $a  
publication:publication/dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISSN'] 022 ## $a  
publication:publication/dcterms:subject 653 00 $u  
publication:publication/eterms:publishing-info/eterms:edition 250 ## $a  

common subfields[edit]

PubMan MARC comment
dc:publisher XXX $a  
eterms:person-title X00 $c  
eterms:publishing-info/eterms:place XXX $b use case: 260 $b
person:person/organization:organization X00 $u multiple organization:organization are merged into one single x00 $u

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