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Revision as of 09:19, 25 April 2008 by Rkiefl (talk | contribs)
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Feedback from Meeting: 25.04.2008

  • Distinguish Metadata view for Multivolume and Volume
  • Consider two different Views of Metadata (Multivolume + Volume)
  • Page Elements

1. Multivolume Information 2. List of Volumes 3. Volume Information 4. Chapter List (structural information) 5. Small Picture (d001) 6. Picture 7. Detail Title

Page1: Overview Multivolumes (1+2) Page2: Overview Volume (1+3+4+5) Page3: Detail View (6+7)

  • Click on extra link (Detail view) should open the biggest jpg itself in a new browser window.
  • Icon for H1 illustration only
  • Header area should be more condensed for detail view