Talk:ViRR Editing

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A small glossary for the used terms can be found under Miscellaneous.
NOTE: Please enter all comments concerning the use cases here on the discussion page.

UC_VR_ED_01 Edit structural content[edit]

  • Currently, its not possible to changes one label of the pagination while editing the structural content of an item. That would be a nice feature, too. --Kristina 13:42, 31 July 2008 (UTC)
  • The use cases 2 and 6 are only used to wrap UC 3-5 for some reason. This will mean less flexibility for adding structural elements. --Rupert 11:49, 8 August 2008 (UTC)
Technically, the ToC is one item (and not each structural element within it). Therefore, the ToC can only be edited and released as a whole. My idea to separate the editing of the ToC in different steps makes it more flexible, not less. --Kristina 14:18, 20 August 2008 (UTC)

UC_VR_ED_02 Edit pagination[edit]

  • Technically, the pagination can also be metadata about the ToC and not the container (volume, momograph). Then the editing can take place in another way. --Kristina 13:44, 31 July 2008 (UTC)
  • The preview does not give additional information here. Usually a preview is used when the result looks different from the edit mode.--Rupert 11:36, 8 August 2008 (UTC)
The preview is needed because when defining a page range and a type of the pagination, the results on the corresponding list of scans are not visible. --Kristina 15:00, 20 August 2008 (UTC)
  • There should be an additional step (optionally) before step 6: Undo --Friederike 11:18, 25 August 2008 (UTC)

UC_VR_ED_03 Create structural element[edit]

  • Not sure if this is UC should be Create Structural element. As I understood, the user needs a structural element where he can define the title freely. For this case it would be enough to have one structural element named "Freitext" for example. As when creating a new structual element I would expect to have this element listed in the structual elements list after saving --Friederike

UC_VR_ED_04 Edit structural element[edit]

UC_VR_ED_05 Delete structural element[edit]

  • What happens to the former content of this structural element. Does it become part of the higher structural content (if there is one) or does it get the state 'unstructured'--Friederike

UC_VR_ED_06 Release structural content[edit]

UC_VR_ED_07 Modify structural content[edit]

UC_VR_ED_08 Edit bibliographic metadata[edit]