Talk:PubMan Func Spec Statistics

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Revision as of 08:59, 27 October 2008 by Haarlaender (talk | contribs)
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Comments and Discussions see talk/discussion page.

On record level[edit]

  • The public user wants to get hints on reception of a certain article and would like to see the download numbers of a specific preprint when accessing the item page in PubMan.
  • The public user wants to get an overview on the reception a certain preprint, which is not limited to the local repository. He would like to see statistics on the download of the preprint by summing the download numbers of all copies located in distributed repositories.

It is not clear to me how this should be technically possible. Would require to retrieve and accumulate statistic data from different repositories. Are these only eSciDoc-repositories or different types of repositories? Can they be accessed by only one application (e.g. PubMan) or by different ones? --Haarlaender 08:58, 27 October 2008 (UTC)

  • The author wants to monitor continuosly the reception of his own research output over time. He is interested in increasing/decreasing downloads of his papers over time and geografical distribution of research interest. He would like to have this information visualised by graphs, timelines, diagrams and geografical maps.
  • The author decides to publish the detailled statistics on his own papers and share this information with public users.
  • The author wants to understand the visibility of his research. He wants to understand how often is article is accessed based on a hit by google/google scholar search.
  • The author wants to understand the background of users accessing his research and would like to understand the domain they are coming from, such as .com, .edu, .gov
  • The author wants to know how if his publication is accessed by colleagues from the same or neighbour departments of his institution.

Most of these requirements need the analysis of IP-addresses to get geographic or location-specific information of the user. It is not directly supported by the eSciDoc coreservice to automatically gather and store these IP-addresses. Thus, this must be realized in the solution. But then we have the problem that more than one solution can access one repository and it can even be accessed without any solution, e.g. by REST-interface. These requests wouldn't be counted and the statistic is distorted --Haarlaender 08:58, 27 October 2008 (UTC)

Individual reports[edit]

  • The author wants to have an overview on all his records deposited and released, with special information on the number of his OA-publications.
  • The author wants to understand how many of his papers are co-authored.
  • The author wants to understand how many of his papers are co-authored with members of Institution X.
  • The author wants to know the number of items related to his name across the collection/contexts in the repository.
  • The author wants to define dynamic reports, based on a certain query, to have ongoing up-to-date information.

Administrative reports[edit]

  • The library would like to prepare a report on the visibility of the local research output stored in the repository. They need to understand the number of access to certain records and downloads of certain components from outside (i.e. not including access from institute). They would like to differentiate between human user access and requests from search engines.
  • The OA policy department would like to prepare a statistical report on increase of OA publications in the last 2 years, with details on monthly level, for the MPS. (See more scenarios under OA statistics)
  • The local Press department needs reliable numbers of record entries per department, including the number of fulltexts. They would like to get the numbers in a re-usable format, e.g. XML.

Citation metrics/Research evaluation[edit]

  • to be defined


Basic information on item/component level[edit]

Status: implemented (see Use case view item statistics

Schedule: R3

  • Numbers of retrievals for a specific item from the framework by users (anonymous/all).
    • Visibility: public
  • Numbers of file downloads for a specific item by users (anonymous/all).
    • Visibility: public

Downloads of files with content type “copyright transfer agreement” and “correspondence” are not counted.

  • Numbers of downloads for a specific file by users (anonymous/all
    • Visibility: public