Talk:Pattern Library/eSciDoc Application Layout

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Revision as of 15:37, 4 December 2008 by Rkiefl (talk | contribs) (→‎Start Page)
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First issues found in R4.00 (Main Test with FF3)

Start Page[edit]

Meeting Outcome

  1. Quick search (from left to right)
    1. Symbol
    2. input
    3. Form Button "Go"
  2. Help needs CSS
  3. R4.1 Quick Search + Org Search in Content of startpage
  4. Custom pulldown: expand click area, lines,borders needed for structure
  5. Custom pulldown: Separator same color as others, no transparency, opened: border stronger
  6. 4.1: Vertical lines on startpage missing
  7. icons more/less more thin
  8. links hover: underlined
  9. vertical margins to be checked, less space between main and options!
  10. status icons: too heavy, lines more thin, smaller
  11. status icon: text below icon
  12. paginator on bottom of lists remains as is
  13. character for empty fields is a "minus"
  14. different font face for labels
  15. Position of status to be considered (FACES ist different)
  16. Wording "Bibliographic view" "Table View"
  17. 4.1 List View/Attachement icon: should be a link, pointing to file section of "View Item Version"
  18. Inlut fields with stronger border
  19. Custom dropdown -> similar behaviour like standard components (closing mechanism)
  20. Tooltip for sorting header
  21. 15x15 icon attachement should only be visible if one or more attachements exist
  22. Wording in menu: Basket
  23. H1 Title Basket missing
  24. Menu entry is not my tasks -> QA Workspace
  25. More/Less for Submission descriptions
  26. Check file upload to be consistent in use (otherwise use standard file upload)
  27. Action elements in forms (action should be visible)
  28. Help Text for mandatory field on bottom of easy submission form to the left
  29. Submission+all forms+View Item: Group names are bold
  30. Check concept for Error messages with/without border??
  31. Check mouse coursor for all inputs
  32. Language suggest: input smaller dropdown (with ID and language name) bigger with label: "Current selection" (check for better solution)
  33. date field for easy submission is by default date published
  34. "Art des Abschlusses" should be a different subgroup (not in identificator)
  35. position of "invited"
  36. fulls ubmission/: add authors is always closed on top of the group "persons & affiliations" and underlined
  37. Standard components for R4
  38. "View Item Version" alignment of labels and fields vertically
  39. Future Stuff: Autosuggest for Tags??
  40. Local Tags: 1. View Local Tags is done from utilities menu 2. Edit Local Tags is offered as edit tag option in options menu.



  • zooming in: not really proper, the page must be scrolled horizontally

UIE: Is decided so, scrolling is necessary when zooming in. Priority was to keep a consistent layout across all sizes. Decision: Can be discussed but is out of scope for now.

  • favicon missing
  • Font Sizes appear to small
  • Green messages on blue backgound bad contrast
  • layout centered
  • H1 title smaller


Browse + Display (Lists)[edit]


  • Select all: after the request all check boxes vanished (Seems to be Logic???)

UIE: Task for dev

fixed on dev --Natasa 14:59, 3 December 2008 (UTC)
  • Error message appears after changing items per page (You have to call this page with a parameter "cql" and a cql query! Error in search! Error in search! )
  • Browser (FF 3.0.4) crashes: view my items, change items per page to 250 and then select medium view all items =>
Error message about skript not answering and then my browser is gone


  • Result from Organizations search/Show description/Page jumps to options menu and then descriptions opens (looks strange)
  • No Results without list components (Message only)
  • Message box: Margin top too small
  • Dropdown 'Items per page' Wording too long (25 Items/Page)

UIE: Task for SvM

  • Basket/Wording: Delete selected -> Remove selected

UIE: Task for SvM

  • the message after error should not ask for sending an email, simply short apology

UIE: Will be taken out. If text requirements from dev exist pls. let Markus know.

  • change of sorting/filter criteria may not be intuitive for users (as it is at present)

UIE: Resolved - Message line was missing.


  • Paginator (range of pages) should be 7

UIE: ->Dev





Comfort Features[edit]


  • actually made 2-3 entries and always got a problem by omiting the pull-down list entries (accidentally)

UIE: Pls. give further info.

This was reported together with the PullDown list, I think UIE made copy/paste problem on this page. See below --Natasa 17:39, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Improvements (or feedback)[edit]

  • dropdowns/ Margins of Labels and Fields too small
  • pulldown lists are not well solved (i.e. select author role, select genre, select source genre, select content category, ..)
    • actually made 2-3 entries and always got a problem by omiting the pull-down list entries (accidentally)
    • not visible that I need to actually do a selection

UIE: Minor design change considered

  • a lot of lines and not clear fields boundaries (impression by dev)

UIE: Design decision

  • font in the entry fields is really bad  :) and small

UIE: Design decision

  • Mark where i am in the main menu like it is in the action menu - markus knows what i mean ;)


Collection selection[edit]



  • It would be nice to have at least one line of words providing the collection description, and use more/hide description (for extra details)
  • when description is opened, the label "Description" can simply be removed (it is clear what it is) and the text can be better aligned left under the collection name

UIE: Is a standard component (Description is a dummy text and can be replaced).




  • Add multiple authors: (Blank before Author name -> Logic)
  • Submission- Import: After selecting an importsource and providing an identifier the button should not be labeled 'save', but next or something like that

UIE: Import is now out of easy submission: No wizard, no next

In fact this UIE impression is actually wrong , as next step exists -> it leads to Full edit mask. The item is not imported, not created or saved - but only the Full edit mask is displayed with the populated metadata. Only afterwards user decides to Save the item or not.

Maybe just labelling this as "proceed/continue" would suffice. Also, imho missing "cancel" button in here. --Natasa 17:45, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

  • Submission (full) - autosuggest: after reloading the page the autosuggest does not work. It works again when I re-set the pull-down list for source-genre to another genre and again to journal genre. --Natasa 12:37, 3 December 2008 (UTC)
  • Link (Button) choose file is not recognised as this by mouse (text cursor appears)

Is impossible due to HTML file imput component.


  • Keypad support (Enter bei dropdowns)
  • Dropdowns/Keypad support/Page scrolls when browsing the options with key up/down
  • we have on top links to Even, Details, Source sections etc., in each of this section actually would be good to also have "link to top"

UIE: Good point, we also considered this, but edit item is already so clustered with add, open, more, ...

  • First step of submission where forms are selected: It would be nice to have at least one line of words explaining the submission method name, and use more/hide description (for extra details)

UIE: Same as collection

  • when description is opened, the label "Description" can simply be removed (it is clear what it is) and the text can be better aligned left under the submission method name

UIE: Same as collection

  • New proposal: grouping of source fields can be changed?
    • Somehow when now users select from autosuggest list of journals, automatically place of publication, publisher name/address and identifiers of journals are populated. Users do not see it as they are in Source details section which comes below under Source creators section. --Natasa 12:35, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

UIE: Reshuffle of fields ok also for SvM? (Form consistency should be kept from our point of view) What if more autosuggests/autofill come?


View Item Version[edit]


  • Breadcrumb disapears on rivisions page
  • cancel button on withdraw page has no effect


  • not really clear that I have to click on the link to view the full item (would be nice to have some pointer for users here)

UIE: Convention is: blue text is clickable, black not. Very same convention as in all older versions.

  • very unclear what is label, what is value and indeed too much lines

UIE: This can be tested in the thinking aloud interviews.



  • Advanced search date TO: not writing in label, populate the field by default with current date in a correct format

UIE: Can be solved by dev (fine with UIE)

  • advanced search: check-all box

UIE: Currently it is check all only, toggle can be considered later.



  • start of simple search should also be triggered with enter






UIE: Export now decided by UIE: Export is one menu entry in Options Menu (as implemented now). In View Item Version the options menu is as following:

"Item actions | Export" (Item actions are default)

Browser Tests (Bugs only)[edit]

Firefox 2[edit]

  • Custom pulldowns do not open


Failed Redirect

  • Horizontal lines with differnt thikness

Browse & Display[edit]

  • Success Message not aligned left (seems to be one line with action menu)
  • Custom pulldowns different background color (select menu has white background)
  • Custom pulldown/hits per page/close icon makes a line break
  • Separators/span/background visible


  • Margins are smaller in Header
  • Separators/Borders/Background too long
  • Dropdowns Filter options and Status do not react
  • Focus is on logout

Opera (9.22)[edit]