NIMS/Feedback on R4 GUI

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Here is feedbacks on new R4 GUI from NIMS. This feedbacks include bugs/feature requests as well as UI-specific issues.

  • Date: 2009-01-20
  • Place: Scientific Information Office at NIMS (Sengen, Tsukuba, Japan)
  • Participants: Core members at our office ( User:Masao, Shingo, and Mikiko )


General / Japanese UI / I18n-related issues[edit]

  • The page content of ErrorPage and Homepage cannot be localized.
  • I think it is better to use native expression on each language for the language selection. i.e. [ English, Deutsch, 日本語 ] instead of [ 英語, ドイツ語, 日本語 ] (these labels are in Japanese expression, respectively).
  • Default settings in language selection are followed by browser's settings. (i.e. Accept-Language header in HTTP-request)
  • And is it also possible to have a user account based preference (like mediawiki)?

Rupert: This can be handled by dev. --Rupert 08:14, 23 January 2009 (UTC)


  • Separators in breadcrumb are more preferable/intuitive to use ">" (bracket) than "/" (slash).
baseline of search forms

Rupert: This is already known. There is a new concept for breadcrumbs, which was not implemented in R4.0. So the breadcrumb will follow (postponed for bookmarkable searches) --Rupert 08:22, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

  • The simple query form and the links for advanced search and organizational search are not placed in the same baseline. See also the screenshot.

Rupert: May I ask which browser is in use? Our CSS is aligned to FF3. Other browsers should work but with small divergences in layout consistency. --Rupert 08:22, 23 January 2009 (UTC)


  • Wording "Visibility" is a little bit ambiguous. ("show/hide" label is enough to understand. Maybe we can omit this header.)

Rupert: Will be put in bug tracking. Wording is done mostly by Service Management. --Rupert 08:23, 23 January 2009 (UTC)


  • The links "Easy/Full Submission" and "Import" in "Submission Start" page and the collection name links seem to be just a label. So, there is a concern that novice users are confused with a next action they need to go to.
  • The "(more)" foldings in the descriptions at SubmissionStart and ChooseCollection pages are not necessarily needed. If a description is not too long, we can browse it at a time without scrolling.
    • A "(more)" link appeared, even if the description was short and all of it was displayed.

Rupert: For Easy Submission we decided to keep everything initially in one page. We had that fundamental open close mechanism on dev server and then decided to change it into this "more" mechanism. I would like to wait for more feedback in usability interviews before changing it again. --Rupert 08:38, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

  • The selection on "Review type" is desirable in the order of "Peer", "None", and "Internal". ("internal review" will be the most infrequent choice, i guess.)

Rupert: This is rather domain specific and will be taken into account by Service Management. --Rupert 08:38, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

  • The label "* mandatory field" at the bottom of the pages are desirable to be located at the top of the page. And the label should be the same style as at the form fields (i.e. in red color).

Rupert: Yes, it was proposed to go with it in the message line. In fact it is a hint, coming from the system. In this case it was a decision from a PubMan GUI meeting. I would like to address this in the next PubMan GUI Meeting. --Rupert 08:38, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

Easy Submission[edit]

STEP1: Generally, this is not as good as R3. (impressions from participants)

  • The action links "Upload file" and "Save" for files and locators seems to be not a action link, just a normal text.
  • "File property" form is desirable to be displayed in default.
    • Due to these two problems, it seems that a depositor will be confused when the depositor upload a file and then click "Next" button. In that case, an error message of "An attached file is missing a content type (e.g. Abstract, Pre-print, etc.)." will be shown at the top of the page. That behavior is confused because (s)he seems not to be able to find such additional forms beforehand.
      • The error message above should be "A content type for an attached is missing..."???


  • The order of creator type selection is preferable as "Author", "Editor", "Contributor", and others. (These three roles will be more frequent ones than others.)
  • It is not clear how to use the "Add multiple" feature
    • What is the separator among multiple authors? (A comma, semicolon, or others?)
    • Is it possible to add affiliations at one time? if ok, how to add it?
  • (general question) Is this support a middle name?


  • It is desirable to add explanation for the date specification. (e.g. YYYY-MM-DD)
  • The Auto-suggesting list for Journals needs a closing button. (when a long list are shown, "Save" button cannot be accessible.

Full Submission[edit]

  • "Content type" field for file locators is a mandatory field, but it is not marked as "*".
  • Event information field is missing when submitting an article in "Proceedings Paper" or "Talk" genres. (Event forms appeared if "others" genre is selected)


  • When I issued Japanese query from advanced search form, the result of "Show Query" link is gambled. For example, the query "轟*" for creator field is shown in "Show Query" feature as follows (copy/paste from a html source):
( escidoc.any-persons="轟*" )  and  ( escidoc.objecttype="item" )  and  ( escidoc.content-model.objid="escidoc:persistent4" )