User:Andi/Application Procedure for MPDL Projects

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* work in progress, the page will be accessible to the public when finished. -- Andreas Gros 15:26, 27 January 2009 (UTC)

MPDL Project Aspects[edit]

The MPDL has annual budget for MPDL Projects, so called "Sonstige/Institutsübergreifende Maßnahmen". The following points apply:

  • The outcome of a MPDL Project has to benefit more than one Max Planck Institute and has to be of scientific importance.
  • A MPDL Project is always defined in close collaboration between the MPDL and one or more Max Planck Institutes.
    (These two points are also the main review criteria)
  • An annual progress report in written form has to be delivered.
  • 15 % of the granted budget is retained until the MPDL has positively reviewed the outcome of the project.

Application Stages[edit]

  • The project proposal is prepared my members of the institutes and the MPDL
  • The project proposal is submitted
  • Two external (non-MPG) experts review the project proposal; the reviewers are chosen by a group of six people (three members of the steering committee LA sInfo and three from the MPDL)
  • If necessary the project proposal can be revised once, after which it is reviewed again
  • The steering committee LA sInfo of the MPDL decides on the basis of the proposal and the reviews about suggesting the project to the Präsidium for funding
  • The Präsidium decides about funding the project

How to apply for funding for a MPDL Project (sonstige/institutsübergreifende Vorhaben)[edit]

The proposal should be formulated by a joint team of members of MPIs and the MPDL.

Components of the proposal[edit]

  1. Title and short name for the project
  2. Names of the persons responsible for the proposal (one from the MPDL and one from the institutes)
  3. Short description of the preparation phase, why and how the project was started (maximum half a A4 page)
  4. Short summary of the aims of the project
  5. Background information on the scientific importance of solving the problem
  6. Description of work including
    1. Project phases
    2. Description of work as well as number of person months and pay scale grouping of the corresponding positions
    3. Detailed Gantt Chart describing the work plans of the people to work on the project
    4. List of people involved in supervising the project and their affiliations