Mapping MAB to eSciDoc

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On this page a small mapping from MAB to eSciDoc publication format based on the requirements for the MPDL project Linguistic Literature will be provided.

MAB MAB Description MPI EVA Description eSciDoc Remarks Questions
001 IdentNummer des Datensatzes Internal identifier
029 m Sonstige IdentNummer des vorliegenden Datensatzes Value is mainly B, what exactly does that mean?
037 c Segment allgemeine codierte Angaben Language
088 Frei definierbare anwenderspezifische Angaben, Kennzeichen und Codes Link (Homepage) exists 2x (often only the second one has a value). Does that mean anything special?
100 Name der 1. Person in Ansetzungsform Creator (normed) Note: Further authors are stored in consecutive elements (e.g. 104,108,...). The names of additional persons involved in the publication (e.g. illustrator) are available in elements 100b,104b,108b,...
331 Hauptsachtitel in Vorlageform oder Mischform Title publication.title
335 Zusätze zum Hauptsachtitel Subtitle publication.alternative
359 Verfasserangabe in Vorlageform Creator as displayed on the resource
410 Orte des 1. Verlegers, Druckers usw. Place Note: Further granularity may be specified via the indicator, e.g. 410a for the "Place of printing"
412 Name des 1. Verlegers, Druckers usw. Publisher publication.publisher Note: see above
425 Erscheinungsjahr in Vorlageform Date issued as displayed on the resource publication.issued? or publication.created?
433 Umfangsangabe Number of pages publication.extent What does the roman number (xii) in front of some page numbers mean?
451 1. Gesamttitel in Vorlageform (series title) Whole title as displayed on the resource What exactly is meant with "Gesmanttitel"? The title of the multivolume?
454 1. Gesamttitel in Ansetzungsform Whole title (normed) What exactly is meant with "Gesmanttitel"? The title of the multivolume?
455 Bandangabe Volume number publication.edition
540 a Internationale Standardbuchnummer (ISBN, formal correct) ISBN
544 Lokale Signatur Shelfmark
700 c LC (Library of Congress Call Number ) What is that? Sort of identifier?
711 b Schlagwörter und Schlagwortketten (geographisch-ethnographisches Schlagwort) Keyword (based on authority files) Which authority file is used for this field?
740 s Topical name used as subject Subject What's the difference between 711 and 740?

Further reading[edit]