ESciDoc User Account Attributes

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User Attributes[edit]

General Concept[edit]

The escidoc core framework must be able to store attributes of users, like the full name or the organizational unit. These attributes either come into the system via Shibboleth/LDAP or via an interface-call of the user-account-handler. Attributes delivered via Shibboleth/LDAP are marked as external attributes. Attributes delivered via user-account-handler-interface-call are marked as internal attributes.

The user-attributes must be retrievable and updateable by the interface of the user-account-handler. The user-attribues are stored as key-value-pairs with key=attribute-name and value=attribute-value.

It must be possible to define groups with users having the same user-attributes. It also must be possible to define groups with users having different user-attributes (eg all users belonging to an orgUnit plus all users with the same lastname).

It must be possible to define groups of users belonging to an organizational unit or childs of this organizational-unit. To be able to find out the children of the defined organizational-unit, the system has to know the whole tree of organizational-units. As we already can define trees organizational-units in the escidoc-core-framework, we now need to know which user-attribute defines an organizational-unit. Therefore for this attribute we need a reserved name so the system knows that for the group-definition it has to resolve the children of this attribute.


  • store user-attributes in the escidoc-core-framework.
    • user-attributes either come from Shibboleth, LDAP (external) or via the user-account-interface of the escidoc-framework (internal).
  • retrieve user-attributes
  • update internal user-attributes
  • define group via key and value of user-attributes.
  • define groups of users belonging to an organizational unit or childs of this organizational-unit.

Database Table[edit]

  • user_attribute:
    • contains the user-attributes as key-value
    • fields: primkey, user_id, name, value, internal

Questions + Remarks[edit]

  • Shibboleth has to get configured so it delivers the desired user-attributes to the framework.
  • With LDAP, all attributes stored with the user are read and written as user-attributes into the framework-internal database.
  • When defining groups with user-attributes, the name and value of the user-attribute that defines the group has to match the user-attribute delivered by Shibboleth/LDAP.
  • User-attributes delivered via Shibboleth/LDAP are automatically stored as external attributes in the system whenever the user logs in. If the user formerly logged in via Shibboleth/LDAP and external user-attributes are already stored in the system, these external attributes are deleted and the new attributes are stored.
  • If the user logs in via the framework-internal database, no user-attributes are written or deleted.
  • There will be one special user-attribute that has to get handled specially: the org-unit-id. This attribute needs a reserved name so the system knows that for this attribute, the children have to get resolved when authenticating via a group.


Structure of the user-attributes-xml:

<attributes user-objid="escidoc:user42">

<attribute name="email"></attribute>
