Talk:ESciDoc Services DataAcquisitionHandler

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Revision as of 14:30, 23 February 2009 by Kleinfercher (talk | contribs) (start discussion on origin information)
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Integrate SWORD?[edit]

SWORD is a profile of the Atom Publishing Protocol and a lightweight protocol for deposit.

  • Exposing and importing data
  • Depositing supported by arxiv. (Probably nice feature to enable export to arxiv when creating an item in pubman)
  • How is this topic related to the syndication manager?

Further Reading[edit]

How to Store the Origin Information of an Item[edit]

When fetching data from an external service it is desirable to store the information where this data was fetched.


  1. Create additional attribute for a Identifier (this one could even be invisible for the user)
  2. Store the fetched data as own item and somehow relate the corresponding(transformed) escidoc item
  3. Store the fetched data as component of the created escidoc item


  • Do we want to store the date of fetching as well? If yes, where?
  • Original MD record has to be stored for ICE.