Trip Report: KIM Schulung:Die Interoperable Gestaltung von Metadatenformaten

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KIM Schulung:Die Interoperable Gestaltung von Metadatenformaten[edit]

Workshop with Barbara Levergood and Stefanie Rühle, april 22th-24th 2009, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt/Main


The workshop was organised by Stefanie Rühle and Barbara Levergood Das Kompetenzzentrum für Interoperable Metadaten (KIM).]. It covered the following topics:

  • Introduction into Metadata and Interoperability
  • Metadata Profiles: Step by Step
    • Functional Requirements and Domain Model
    • DCAM and Resource Model
    • Description Set Model
    • Syntax Encoding Schemes (SES) and Vocabulary Encoding Schemes (VES)
  • XML Encoding
    • The act of Encoding Guidelines
    • XML Overview
    • Overview: Dublin Core Encoding Guidelines
    • Introduction into DC-DS-XML Encoding Guidelines
    • DC-XML-2003 Encoding Guidelines

Participants from MPG[edit]

  • Julia Kurt, MPDL

Other Participants[edit]

  • Jürgen Braun, SUB Göttingen
  • Justine Haeberli, SUB Göttingen
  • Rike Brecht, TU Ilmenau, Institut für Medientechnik
  • Steffi Dechent, DNB Frankfurt
  • Gudrun Jäger, UB Kassel
  • Kirsten Jeude, Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Wissenschaften in Hamburg
  • Gerda Jutzi-Blank, UB Kassel
  • Eike Kleiner, Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Würtemberg
  • Dorit Lange, SB Berlin
  • Karin Schmidt, Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek
  • Claus Spiecker, UB Stuttgart
  • Daniela Trunk, DNB Frankfurt
  • Alexander Wagner, Forschungszentrum Jülich
  • Claus Weiland, UB Frankfurt, HEBIS

General impression[edit]

The workshop was very helpful to get an overview over the concepts release by DCMI and to clarify obscurities regarding term definitions and scopes. There were many discussions about open questions, standards and best practises which brought a lot of input for all and positive feedback for the speakers. The participants have been introduced into how to create application profiles according to the DCMI recommendation (DC Application Profile) step by step with small exercises that have been resolved in 4-people groups (divided according to their coverage) and discussed together afterwards to discover typical errors.

Links and further information[edit]