PubMan Func Spec Copyright

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PubMan Functional Specification

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This page serves an overview on the requirements for an institutional repository regarding rights (usage rights, licenses etc.)


UC_PM Type of full text[edit]

Status: implemented

Following content categories are available for each uploaded full text (see also File properties) and are selected by the user when submitting the file:

  • pre-print: Pre-peer-review version of an article that is to be submitted for peer-reviewed publication (i.e. Stage 1, manuscript)
  • post-print: The postprint is the creator's peer-reviewed final draft, accepted for publication (i.e. Stage 2, reviewed manuscript with changes)
  • publisher version: The published version of the article. Regarding the content, the publisher version is identical to the post-print. (i.e. Stage 3)
  • any fulltext: full text which won't be submitted for peer-review or stage/version not known.
  • abstract: Provides only the summary of the article.
  • table of contents: The overview of the article content
  • supplementary material
  • copyright transfer agreement
  • correspondence

UC_PM_CR_01 Provide Rights[edit]

When a user uploads/saves components (i.e. full text) and/or locaters, he/she can provide appropriate rights information on uploaded content.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification

Schedule: R 5



Flow of Events[edit]

  • the user starts easy or full submission
  • the user gives basic information of the item
  • he/she decides to upload a file/to save a file locater
  • after uploading/saving the respective file/URL the user chooses type and description of the content
  • the user chooses the visibility of the attached file:
    • public or restricted (NOTE: for locaters visibility is always public!)
    • if the choice is restricted, he/she chooses between private or audience
  • for restricted files the user has the option to provide info on embargo date
  • independently of visibility the user has the option to provide a CC License
    • DC term: license document
    • CC-license type per component
    • optionally
    • controlled vocabulary
    • internationalized
  • optionally the user can provide a rights statement
    • DC term:rights statement
    • per component
    • the user has the possibility to fill in a rights statement
    • this field is optional and contains free text
  • optionally the user has the possibility to provide a copyright date
    • DC term: date copyrighted
    • per component
    • the user has the possibility to fill in a copyright date
    • this field is optional and has usual date format (YYYY-MM-DD -> but it's possible for the user just to state a year)
  • before the item is submitted/released a information message shows up: "You are going to submit/release an item with rights information. Please be aware that you have checked these information!"
    • these information message shows up only if the user provides rights information for the submitted item and its component(s)
  • the item is submitted/released
  • the use case ends successfully

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • the item is submitted/released with respective right information


none - for files as well as for locaters

Related Usecases[edit]

Future development[edit]

  • simple workflow for R5 - has to be developed within the copyright handling project
  • in future maybe integration of further license types - for R5 implementation to provide a CC License

UC_PM_CR_02 Provide embargo date[edit]

Some publishers allow - depending on their policy - to publish the publisher's version after certain time in any other repository. To be able to align the access level of full texts in the repository with the respective embargo time defined in the publisher's policy, embargo times of journals have to be tracked.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification

Schedule: R 5



Flow of Events[edit]

  • in case that the user chooses visibility restricted, for both restrictions (audience and private) it's possible to provide a date which informs about the end of the embargo time
    • it's an optionally field
    • the field has usual date format (YYYY-MM-DD -> but it's possible for the user just to state a year)
  • the user adds an embargo date
  • the embargo date is saved
  • the use case ends successfully

  • NOTE:due to legal insecurity no auto-release of item versions with expired embargo date
  • NOTE: in case of file visibility is set to "public", because the embargo date is expired, embargo date is not visible any more in detailed item view

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • an embargo date is provided for a restricted component


  • only for restricted components

Related Usecases[edit]

Future development[edit]

  • option a): provide the possibility to look-up embargo dates in Sherpa/Romeo (Japanese version)
  • option b): the user can select from autosuggest-journal list the respective journal, the embargo dates defined for this journal are pre-filled (might not be feasible, as it's only possible/useful, if we have reliable data on embargo times per journal -> see also discussion on rights metadata for journals under control of named entities

UC_PM_CR_03 Provide CC License[edit]

During submission the user has the possibility to provide a CC License for the uploaded file/locater.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification

Schedule: R 5



Flow of Events[edit]

  • independently of visibility the user has the option to provide a CC License
    • DC term: license document
    • CC-license type per component
    • optionally field
    • controlled vocabulary
  • there are six CC License options:
  1. Attribution
  2. Attribution-Noncommercial
  3. Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative
  4. Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike
  5. Attribution-No Derivative Works
  6. Attribution-Share Alike
  • these six options are displayed with the respective icons (controlled vocabulary; might be handled by control of named entity service)
  • the icons are linked to the written type of CC License -> possibility for the user to get detailed information about the chosen license type
  • license has to be internationalized -> Creative Commons International
  • the user can select type and international variant (i.e. implicitly the current version) -> this info is stored together with the item
  • for R5, we will not store license content in escidoc
  • license information are saved
  • the use case ends successfully

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • a selected type of CC License is provided for the component


none - for files as well as for locators

Related Usecases[edit]

Future development[edit]

  • nice to have: default CC-license type
    • if possible to define default on content level:
a) no CC-type at all
b) set default

UC_PM_CR_04 Modify Rights[edit]

The user wants to modify the rights information of a component/locater.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification

Schedule: R 5



Flow of Events[edit]

  • rights statement, date copyrighted and license document can be modified after they have been submitted; for released items it depends on workflow
  • if the user wants to change rights information -> he/she edits/modifies the respective metadata of an item
    • rights statement: free text; simple modification possible
    • date copyrighted: date format; simple modification possible
    • license document: selected document -> license might change over time -> needs possibility to change the license type or de-select license (no license any more)
  • changed metadata are saved
  • the use case ends successfully

  • NOTE: in case of file visibility is set to "public", because the embargo date is expired, embargo date is not visible any more in detailed item view

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • rights information are modified


none - for pending and submitted items as well as for released items (no problem regarding citation because of versioning)

Related Usecases[edit]

Future development[edit]

UC_PM_CR_05 View Rights[edit]

The user wants to view the rights information af an item.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification

Schedule: R 5


all users

Flow of Events[edit]

Detailed Item View

  • rights statement, date copyrighted and license document are metadata fields which are displayed on detailed item view page
  • the user selects an item for detailed view
    • rights statement is displayed as free text
    • date copyrighted is displayed as date
    • license document should be displayed as the respective CC license icon (links to written license) together with file name
  • the use case ends successfully

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • rights information are displayed on detailed item view page


no sorting and filtering for rights information in R5

Related Usecases[edit]

Future development[edit]

improvement of filtering and sorting on My Item Workspace/Moderator Workspace

  • for visibility
    • public
    • restricted
    • restricted - audience (with or without embargo)
    • restricted - private (with or without embargo)
  • for embargoed components
    • within embargoed components:
      • all components for which embargo is already over
      • all components for which embargo is soon over
  • for license document (CC license types)

UC_PM_CR_06 Search for rights information[edit]

The user wants to search for selected rights information.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification

Schedule: R 5


all users

Flow of Events[edit]

  • the user wants to search for selected rights information
  • advanced search should be possible by
    • license document (CC types)
    • visibility:
1. public files (already implemented)
2. restricted files (already implemented)
2.1 private files
2.2 audience files
2.3 embargoed files
  • the use case ends successfully

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • the desired query for selected rights information achieves success


  • needs update of indexing

Related Usecases[edit]

Future development[edit]

Future enhancements[edit]

Workflow for Copyright handling[edit]

  • conceptual workflow to integrate various checks for clarifying licenses/copyright
  • Focus on "reduce risk of copyright infringement"
  • enable three use cases:
    • original copyright transfer agreement (CTA) is available and checked by librarian
    • original CTA is not available, but journal/publisher has specific agreement with MPS
    • original CTA is not available and information on copyright policies has to be checked by external source (e.g. Sherpa/romeo
  • legal constraints (what has to be checked by librarians? what can be decided by librarians? which responsibility can be taken by MPG?)

Scenarios within workflow:

  • Check for Rights-QA which items do not carry any copyright information
  • Define "embargo" time applied by MPG ("Schutzfrist"). Is optional. (why embargo? until when? Freetext) (Example Sengbusch)
  • Documentation/description of status copyright transfer to MPG for re-use, dissemination, publishing of IP works, e.g. verbal or written copyright transfer to MPG(unknown, verbal, written, contract archived) - => documentation is outcome of final copyright handling workflow. conclusive action can also provide a transfer, e.g. email saying "Please publish via eDoc").

OA statistics[edit]

Status: in specification

Schedule: unclear

see under OA Statistics