ESciDoc Item Container Version History

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See Item, Container Specs&APIs here

Container Handler[edit]

Containers offer the concept of aggregation, i.e. they can contain other (simple and complex) objects. Each container includes a structural map, which manages references to all members of the aggregation. Containers are versionable. They can be associated with a persistent identifier. Containers have a built-in basic object lifecycle. The status of a Container within its object lifecycle influences which actions are applicable and which user privileges are to be evaluated.

Item Handler[edit]

Items are objects representing the actual content of the repository. An item is a simple or complex object like an article, a report or a translation. Items are versionable. They can be associated with a persistent identifier. Items have a built-in basic object lifecycle. The status of an Item within its object lifecycle influences which actions are applicable and which user privileges are to be evaluated.

Premis: Hierarchical Listing of Semantic Units, Event[edit]

This is a hierarchical listing of the semantic units included in the Data Dictionary. The information in parentheses following each semantic unit indicates whether the element is Mandatory (M), Optional (O) or Attribute (A) followed by whether it is Repeatable (R) or Not repeatable (NR).


  1. eventIdentifier (M, NR)
    1. eventIdentifierType (M, NR)
    2. eventIdentifierValue (M, NR)
  2. eventType (M, NR)
  3. eventDateTime (M, NR)
  4. eventDetail (O, NR)
  5. eventOutcomeInformation (O, R)
    1. eventOutcome (O, NR)
    2. eventOutcomeDetail (O, R)
  6. linkingAgentIdentifier (O, R)
    1. linkingAgentIdentifierType (M, NR)
    2. linkingAgentIdentifierValue (M, NR)
    3. linkingAgentRole (O, R)
    4. linkingAgentXmlID (O, A)
  7. linkingObjectIdentifier (O, R)
    1. linkingObjectIdentifierType (M, NR)
    2. linkingObjectIdentifierValue (M, NR)
    3. linkingObjectXmlID (O, A)
  8. xmlID (M, A)


  1. eventIdentifier (M, NR)
    1. eventIdentifierType (M, NR)
    2. eventIdentifierValue (M, NR)
  2. eventType (M, NR)
  3. eventDateTime (M, NR)
  4. eventDetail (O, NR)
  5. eventOutcomeInformation (O, R)
    1. eventOutcome (O, NR)
    2. eventOutcomeDetail (O, R)
      1. eventOutcomeDetailNote (O, NR)
      2. eventOutcomeDetailExtension (O, NR)
  6. linkingAgentIdentifier (O, R)
    1. linkingAgentIdentifierType (M, NR)
    2. linkingAgentIdentifierValue (M, NR)
    3. linkingAgentRole (O, R)
    4. LinkAgentXmlID (O, A)
  7. linkingObjectIdentifier (O, R)
    1. linkingObjectIdentifierType (M, NR)
    2. linkingObjectIdentifierValue (M, NR)
    3. linkingObjectRole (O, R)
    4. LinkObjectXmlID (O, A)
  8. xmlID (M, A)



  • eventOutcomeDetailNote (O, NR)
  • eventOutcomeDetailExtension (O, NR)
  • linkingObjectRole (O, R)

