ESciDoc Committer Meeting 2009-09-29

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Date: 29.09.2009 Start time: 14:30

Location: Karlsruhe, München (Video conference or TelCo)

Participants MPDL: Natasa Bulatovic, Michael Franke

Participants FIZ: Steffen Wagner, Frank Schwichtenberg, Matthias Razum, Harald Kappus

Previous committer meeting

Next committer meetings


PIDs and PID Manager[edit]

  • configurable choice of PID System (instance) on a context level
    • we do host several external institutions on single core service instance, also several solutions on single core service instance
    • institutions may have different decisions on which PID system to use
  • multiple PIDs allowed for object or version
    • during ingestion, more or less at present PIDs are ingested as part of the metadata record
    • this prevents some linking and searching, as different metadata schema have different metadata element names where they keep the identifier (and sometimes it is not clear if it is indeed a PID or is a local identifier)
    • allowing for multiple PIDs where core services would be able to handle them indeed like PIDs (e.g. cross-check uniqueness in the repository)
    • allowing to assign any of these multiple PIDs without creating a new item version
    • allowing to assign any of these PIDs to any item version (not only to the latest version)
    • maybe special object relation types could be solution to the last problem? in this case delivery with the item.xml would not be an issue

Content model definition[edit]

  • shall we try to identify issues which are not clear if they indeed depend on the cModel?
    • should CModel contain structural and content specific behavior only or in addition it should contain settings for repository behavior and repository operations?

Read-only core services[edit]

  • based on requirement for read-only PubMan
  • interceptor for preventing modifications based on property value
    • only system administrator would be allowed to make modifications in this case
  • motivation: when some system actions are undertaken in which user are able to view, search and retrieve, but not able to make any modifications of data

Follow up Topics of Meeting München[edit]

Fundamental changes[edit]

  • dropping SOAP?
  • Replace atomistic model for Items/Components with compound model and RELS-INT
  • Replace DB-Cache with asynchronous Lucene Index and/or Object Database
  • synchronous Lucene Index
  • Persistent data objects in rel. DB
  • Drop latest-version from object representation
  • Remove mapping of "escidoc" MD-record to DC record in Components (set title directly)
  • Get rid of content-model-specific properties


  • Search and administrative search
  • Admin Tools development
  • Large sets of data ingest
    • how to avoid downtime to recache and reindexing
  • Trying to add/remove members to a very large container fails with 500 Internal eSciDoc System Error
    • in Work


  • Alignment of tools and processes (e.g., Maven)
  • Improved and harmonized communication of eSciDoc
  • eSciDoc Blog
  • service names and classification
  • service-architecture board
  • documentation of services
  • installation guides
  • eSciDoc Lab: Colab page gathering experimental modules
  • Exchange of staff members for specific developments or share development


  • short-term 6 months

Long term issues[edit]

Release 1.2[edit]

  • a first release candidate is scheduled for end of september

PubMan clean-Up[edit]

  • beginning of november the MPDL-solutions (like PubMan, Faces,....) will run in the same JBoss as the core services

Topics for joined development[edit]

  • start the two groups

eSciDoc Colab[edit]

  • domain-redirection for the eSciDoc-colab
  • set up the colab and move the eScoDoc pages from MPDL colab