ESciDoc Cache

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Revision as of 10:34, 23 October 2009 by Natasab (talk | contribs) (→‎Purpose)
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  • Efficient delivery of list of resources

Present use cases[edit]

  • filtering (methods retrieveItems, retrieveContainers) based on filter criteria
    • filter criteria are further translated to a query expression

Basic list requirements[edit]

  • list contains full escidoc-xml representation of resources (i.e. mixture of item or container accordingly to item.xsd, container.xsd)
  • list contains only authorized resources i.e. the resources the user who requests the list is able to see
  • total number of list entries must be known


Berkeley DB[edit]

  • check integration with Lucene for administrative searches additionally


  • separate index for all latest versions (instead of DBCache) (feasible)?
  • for items: an item contain all attributes needed to cross-check the authorization
    • instead of appending SQL to filter, would it be possible to append query to the user query that deals with auth data?
    • is the problem how to actually derive this query?
  • is this also valid for containers? (i.e. an item may be a member of several containers, but i think this has nothing to do)

If this would be possible, no additional cache would be needed?