Talk:PubMan Func Spec Yearbook of the MPS

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  • Where and when will the validation for the Yearbook take place?
can be done on PubMan (efforts middle-high)--Natasa 17:11, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
  • What is the reason for not allowing imported items from eDoc to be added for the Yearbook? this might get problematic, as soon as we start to "batch migrate" data from eDoc. We cannot foresee, if there isnot an item relevant for an upcoming yearbook...
it is an assumption that all items that need to be in the yearbook will actually be first in PubMan. Yearbook quantity has to be checked on PubMan first. --Natasa 17:11, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
  • What happens, if our genre-specific table demands different metadata than the yearbook validation? I.e are the mandatory fields for the Yearbook in synch with the genre-specific table?
should be checked and corrected in PubMan or clarified with Press --Natasa 17:11, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
  • Does the institute user (Jahrbuch-Verantwortlicher) and Press (Mr. Plehn) have an easy overview and concrete number on all data which will be in the Yearbook? (I did not quite understand the point with the lists provided by dev team...)
imho, this overview is coming from eDoc as long as data are handled on eDoc--Natasa 17:11, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
  • We still lack the description of MPG authors/not MPG authors (is needed for yearbook, right?)=> part of Cone?
this should actually now be clear for each author, as in PubMan affiliation is related to author and not to the publication like in eDoc--Natasa 17:11, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
  • Design
    • maybe for quick solution - it would be sufficient to have 1 item (cmodel=Yearbook) for being the yearbook, if we are able to put relations (of is-in-yearbook) to this item. (Pros: not dealing with containers in pubMan, feasible for February), (Cons: not possibility to add yearbook specific information to the yearbook items)--Natasa 17:14, 3 November 2009 (UTC)

UC_PM_YB_02 Add PubMan items to yearbook container[edit]

  • should there be one "yearbook moderator" for the whole institute? -> if yes, there has to be a moderator who have rights for all contexts of the whole institute (I have to add this under "constraints") -> if no, it has to be possible that serveral moderators are marking PubMan items of their respective context they are responsible for to add them to one yearbook container for the whole institute.
  • only PubMan origin items can be added to the yearbook; imported eDoc data therefore can't be added to the yearbook via PubMan
    • why? are there technical reasons to do so? for me it seems a little bit cumbersome and most natably error-prone to maintain two lists of records for the yearbook if the worst comes to the worst - one list with origin PubMan items in PubMan + one list in eDoc with items former maintained there
    • bring those two lists together is extra amount of work for our dev team
    • as for the most institutes eDoc data will be migrated sooner or later to PubMan this workflow doesn't sound so applicable, or?
  • my proposal would be (if it is technical feasible): all PubMan data, independently of where it has been come from, means also the imported eDoc data, should be possible to add to the yearbook container -> benefit: no alignment of the two lists with yearbook records (PubMan and eDoc) is required

UC_PM_YB_05 Export content of yearbook container in PubMan to eDoc[edit]

  • I'm not really sure whether I understood the basic considerations, which were collected one year ago, in the right manner regarding that part of the MPS yearbook scenario?
  • I could also imagine that the batch operation "Release all items to MPS yearbook", described in UC_PM_YB_04 triggers an export of the yearbook container and leads to the generation of an eSciDoc XML file of the yearbook items
    • the moderator saves that export file to her/his local personal computer and afterwards sends that file to the PubMan support team via email with the request to import the file in eDoc
  • please provide feedback! thank you :)

UC_PM_YB_06 Import content of yearbook container in eDoc[edit]

  • I'm not really sure whether I understood the basic considerations which were collected one year ago in the right manner regarding that part of the MPS yearbook scenario? -> is the import done by the dev team or by the eDoc user (local eDoc Administrator) her/himself?
    • I do not know eDoc that much (until now), but as far as I know there is currently no possibility for the common user to import an eSciDoc XML file to eDoc, am I right?