ESciDoc Services CitationStyleManager

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Citation Style Formatting Service




This service formats the descriptive metadata of a content item (or a list of content items) in accordance with specific citation style such as APA, MLA, Chicago, MPG Yearbook citation style and others and generates a file with specific output format such as RTF, PDF or HTML.


Operation Status Input Output Description
explainStyles implemented none List of styles and supported
output formats in accordance
with the explain_styles.xsd
This operation retrieves a list
of supported citation styles and
for each of them supported output
format such as RTF, PDF, HTML.
getOutput implemented String citationStyle
String outputFormat
String itemList
byte [] The service takes as an input
citationStyle identifier, an
output format identifier and a list
of content items and returns a byte
array with metadata formatted in
accordance with selected citation
style and output format.

Note: in future it is planned to
return a URL from where the temporary
file can be downloaded.
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