PubMan 6 0 Metadata

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This is a protected page.

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This page shall contain every change that is made during a qa release of the version mentioned above. If it's not here, it never happened!

PubMan 6.0 Metadata Release[edit]

Affected Servers[edit]

PubMan EAR[edit]

PubMan Properties[edit]

  • should run without :8080 port on coreservices
  • new property: escidoc.cone.modelsxml.path=models.xml
  • new properties (optional):
      • The given link will be displayed on the ViewItemStatistics Page as "Detailed Statistics" for the contexts given in the next property
    • escidoc.pubman.statistics.nims.context.ids
      • A list of comma-seperated context ids for which the "Detailed Statistics" link should be displayed.
  • new property: Planck Society

Core Properties[edit]

  • should run without :8080 port

Core Database[edit]

Validation Database[edit]

CoNE Database[edit]

    • run the cone_queries_migration.sql
    • check newly added mimetypes on qa (application/rtf, msword mimetypes)
    • if needed, remove for german language identifier "ger"

Data Migration[edit]