PubMan Func Spec Search Engine Optimization

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This Page provides information about the possible improvement of the appearance of PubMan content in search engines, especially in Google.

---- Work in progress ----

Current Situation with Google[edit]

Example: Search for “Experimental demonstration of a suspended diffractively coupled optical cavity”.

  • The headline is taken from the actual 'title' tag used in pubman:

Publication Manager :: Experimental demonstration of a suspended ...

  • The snipped contains a confusing mixture of irrelevant information:

Item StatisticsRevisionsRelease HistoryView item. Experimental demonstration of a suspended diffractively coupled optical cavity. Item is Released ...

Google preferably takes the snippet information from the 'description' tag (up to 150 characters). PubMan currently does not use the 'description' tag.

Alternatively Google uses information from Open Directory Project (which can be prohibited through the 'robots' tag).

Possible Solution[edit]


  • CoLab page about SEO [1]