Developer Workshop PubMan Days 2010 EN

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PubMan Days 2010 will be held at 19. and 20. May in Berlin Harnack Haus .

In the afternoon on 20. May there will be a parallel event hosting a Developer Workshop at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.

See also Developer Workshop Agenda (German).


  • 13.00-13.45 PubMan Installation
  • 14.00-14.45 Citation styles (Integration of data in local web sites via simple REST interface)
    • defining and adding of a new citation style
    • Journal-specific citation style (in relation with CoNE Named Entity service for journals)
    • Search&Export REST interface
  • 15.00-15.45 PubMan Customization (Teil I)
    • Skins for PubMan
  • 16.00-17.00 PubMan Customization (Teil II)
    • Genre/Document-Type specific changes
    • adding of a new Metadata transformation
    • CoNE (Service for Control of Named Entities)
      • adding of a new CoNE vocabulary
      • Import of Persons data


Thursday, 20. May 2010, 13:00 to 17:00 hours


Berlin, MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, in the big conference room


As places are limited, please register yourself latest until 10. May 2010 with Katrin Gashi


Please bring your own laptop with following tools installed:

    • JDK
    • Editor (e.g. jEdit)
    • Browser (Firefox with Web Developer Toolbar Plug-in)
    • PostgreSQL 8.2+
    • Apache Maven 2.2.1
    • SVN client (e.g. Tortoise for Windows)