New Citation Style HowTo

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  • java SDK 6
  • svn
  • maven
  • jEdit


  1. $svn co
  2. $cd common_services/citationmanager
  3. check whether checkout can be compiled:
    $mvn clean install
  4. $cd src/main/resources/CitationStyles
  5. $cp rm Default Test; rm -rf Test/.svn
  6. add new citation style Test in the src/main/resources/Schemas/explain-styles.xml, define output-formats
  7. get nice items-list XML from PubMan live, create src/test/resources/testFiles/Test directory, and save the XML into it under name TestCollection.xml.
  8. changes in src/test/java/test/
    1. define path to the new item list in the itemListsFIleNames hash
      put("Test", "target/test-classes/testFiles/Test/TestCollection.xml");
    2. create new JUnit test new ctation style testCitationStyleTest.
    3. set testCitationStyles to @Ignore

New citation style configuration[edit]

  • configuration files structure (path prefix src/main/resources/CitationStyles/):
    • globals:
      font-styles.xml: list of available font style definitions, the font styles can be used in any citation style.
      functions.xml: global function definitions, can be used in any citation style
      variables.xml: global variables xml, can be used in any citation style configuration
    • citation style specific:
      Test/CitationStyle.xml: main citation style configuration file.
      Test/variables.xml: local variables xml, available only in Test citation style

Citation Style specifications[edit]

See APA and AJP pages as platform for citation style specifications and discussions. Suggested Citation Style layout for Test style is:

Debugging of citation style configuration[edit]

Debugging life circle consists of 3 consequent steps: validation, compilation and output. Compilation should always take place after any changes in citation style configuration file in order to have a correct output.

  1. start test with
    $mvn -Dtest=TestCitationManager test
    1. check console output and target/surefire-reports/test.TestCitationManager.txt for errors.
    2. check generated outputs in formats: pdf and escidoc_snippet in target/ directory. The outputs should not be empty and have list of rendered citations.

Substantial tests[edit]