New Citation Style HowTo

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  1. $svn co
  2. $cd common_services/citationmanager
  3. check whether checkout can be compiled:
    $mvn clean install
  4. $cd src/main/resources/CitationStyles
  5. $cp rm Default Test; rm -rf Test/.svn
  6. add new citation style Test in the src/main/resources/Schemas/explain-styles.xml, define output-formats
  7. get nice items-list XML from PubMan live, create src/test/resources/testFiles/Test directory, and save the XML into it under name TestCollection.xml.
  8. changes in src/test/java/test/
    1. define path to the new item list in the itemListsFIleNames hash
      put("Test", "target/test-classes/testFiles/Test/TestCollection.xml");
    2. create new JUnit test new ctation style testCitationStyleTest.
    3. set testCitationStyles to @Ignore

Citation Style specifications[edit]

See APA and AJP pages as platform for citation style specifications and discussions.

The test item list XML has two types of publication items, namely Article and Book Chapter, thus Test citation style will have two different layout representations (so-called Citation Style Layout Definitions, CSLDs). Authors and Year blocks will be basic for both CSLDs.


  • family name, initials (blank separated), e.g.: Morfill, G. E.
  • if there are two authors, connect them with " and ", e.g.: Morfill, G. E. and Khrapak S. A.
  • if there are more than 3 authors: commas separate author names, while the last author name is preceded by ", and ". E.g.: Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., and Harlow, T.


issued or published online. issued has higher priority.


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., and Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue number), pages.

Book Chapter[edit]

Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). Title of book chapter. In Title of book. Source.Place of Publication: Source.Name of Publisher.

Citation style configuration[edit]

Citation style is configured by means of set of XML files, they are located in src/main/resources/CitationStyles/ directory

  • global XMLs, i.e. all specified elements can be used overall in citation styles:
    font-styles.xml: list of available font style definitions.
    functions.xml: global function definitions
    variables.xml: global variables
  • citation style specific XMLs:
    Test/CitationStyle.xml: main citation style configuration file
    Test/variables.xml: local variables xml, available only in Test citation style

CitationStyle.xml structure[edit]

Root Element[edit]

Citation style specific parameters

   xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../Schemas/citation-style.xsd"
  • md-path is xpath to the publication metadata location, relative to source-placeholder-tag
  • citation-placeholder-tag is target tag for the generated snippet citation
  • include-global-default-variables, i.e. variables.xml
  • include-default-variables, i.e. Test/variables-xml


List of predefined citation style variables, which can be multiply used in the citation style. Variables contain only values but not formatting inforamtion, like font-style, prefix/postfix strings, etc.

	<!-- ### objid should be always defined!!! ### -->
	<variable name="objid">../../@objid</variable>
	<variable name="genre">pub:publication/@type</variable>
	<variable name="hasPublication" type="xs:boolean">exists(pub:publication)</variable>
	<variable name="authorsCount">count(pub:publication/eterms:creator[@role=$l_author])</variable>
	<!-- localization -->		
	<variable name="in">'In'</variable>
	<variable name="date"> 
		if (pub:publication/dcterms:issued)
		then func:get_year(pub:publication/dcterms:issued) 
		else if (pub:publication/eterms:published-online) 
		then func:get_year(pub:publication/eterms:published-online) 
		else ''

Predefined Layout Elements[edit]

<!-- authors -->
	<layout-element name="authors">
			<delimiter value="" />
			<layout-element name="authors-NotEqual2" ref="pub:publication/eterms:creator[@role=$l_author]" repeatable="yes">
				<parameters position="last">
					<delimiter value=", and " />
					<delimiter value=", " />
					<internal-delimiter value=", " />
					<layout-element ref="person:person/eterms:family-name/text()" />
					<layout-element ref="func:get_initials(person:person/eterms:given-name/text())"/>
			<layout-element name="authors-Equal2" ref="pub:publication/eterms:creator[@role=$l_author]" repeatable="yes">
				<parameters position="last">
					<delimiter value=" and " />
					<delimiter value=", " />
					<internal-delimiter value=", " />
					<layout-element ref="person:person/eterms:given-name/text()"/>
					<layout-element ref="func:get_initials(person:person/eterms:given-name/text())"/>
	<layout-element name="year" ref="$date">
			<starts-with value=" (" />
			<ends-with value=")." />
	<!-- DEBUGGING -->
	<layout-element name="debugBlock">
			<font-style ref="BLUE" />
			<starts-with value="debug:" />
			<delimiter value="," />
			<layout-element ref="$objid">
					<starts-with value="OBJID:" />
			<layout-element ref="$genre" />
			<layout-element ref="pub:publication/dc:title/text()" />
			<layout-element ref="pub:publication/dcterms:issued/text()">
					<starts-with value="issued:" />
			<layout-element ref="pub:publication/eterms:published-online/text()">
					<starts-with value="published-online:" />

Citation Style Layout Definitions[edit]

Debugging procedure[edit]

Plain tests[edit]

Debugging life circle consists of 3 consequent steps: validation, compilation and output. Compilation should always take place after any changes in citation style configuration file in order to have a correct output.

  1. start test with
    $mvn -Dtest=TestCitationManager test
    1. check console output and target/surefire-reports/test.TestCitationManager.txt for errors.
    2. check generated outputs in formats: pdf and escidoc_snippet in target/ directory. The outputs should not be empty and have list of rendered citations.

Substantial tests[edit]

make possible to check the citations content. It helps to avoid some by-effects due to changes in the global functions and variables. It makes sense to run the tests after the plain tests.

  1. update
  2. generate escidoc_snippet output
  3. copy
  4. update items in testFiles/Test/TestCollection.xml
  5. start test with
    $mvn -Dtest=TestCitationStylesSubstantial test

Related links[edit]