Imeji Performance eSciDoc

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eSciDoc ItemHandler[edit]

All metadata are stored in an eSciDoc item. The item is updated etc. via the eSciDoc item handler.

Happy.gif Fast development, as already implemented in other solutions

All eSciDoc service can be used (versioning, statistics, aa etc.)

Sad.gif Very slow

Extra Release, pid assignment etc. is necessary

Open Questions:

eSciDoc ContentRelation[edit]

All metadata are stored in a content relation object, which is related to the item (image).

Happy.gif For a metadata change, the content relation only needs to be updated (no extra release, pid assignment etc.)

Sad.gif To be checked if fast enough

Open Questions:

eSciDoc only as archive[edit]

The item (image) itself will be stored in eSciDoc

Open Questions:

MD in Triple Store[edit]

All metadata are stored in a triple store, all operations (search, update etc.) can take place here.

Open Questions:

  • How can we synchronize the two systems? (Do we have to synchronize them at all, or is sufficient to store the md only in the triple store?)
  • How do we perform status updates? (escidoc has to know the status, not only the triple store)

eSciDoc Core Performance Tuning[edit]

Update eSciDoc core, so that retrieval of items are faster.

Happy.gif All solution could profit from this

Sad.gif Development has to be together with FIZ, so that we do not develop our own eSciDoc which we have to adopt with every FW release.

Development process can be very long

Open Questions:

No eSciDoc[edit]

We do not use eSciDoc at all. Open question, what to use as storage? Fedore, DB?

Happy.gif Would be much faster

Sad.gif Services can not be reused

High development effort

Open Questions: