Reinhold von Sengbusch Collection

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General Description[edit]

Website of the Sengbusch Collection

This collection finally will contain the complete works of Prof. Reinhold von Sengbusch, former Director of the "Max Planck Insitut für Kulturpflanzenzüchtung" in Hamburg. The collection spans the timeframe from 1924 to 1973 and will be presented in a scientific context provided by Prof. Dr. Saedler from the MPI f. Züchtungsforschung in Cologne.

You can find more information on the life and works of Prof. Reinhold von Sengbusch on the collection website, but also on Wikipedia: (in German). More information about the history of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Züchtungsforschung can be found here.

The collection consists of about 6000 pages of articles published in journals and newspapers, as well as unpublished manuscripts which will be digitized and published online in an adapted version of PubMan.

The contents of this collection have been put into PubMan. The interface for the collection is a Wordpress blog ( that fetches data via a Wordpress plugin from eSciDoc/PubMan by using the Search&Export REST interface.

Requirements for the scanning agency[edit]

  • The articles will be delivered in PDF/A
  • The metadata will be attached to the digitized works as combination of METS/MODS
  • There are 7 types of publications in this collection -- all with different metadata schemes

The metadata properties related to the different types of publications are:

  • Article(s)
    • Title
    • Creators
    • Journal
    • Volume
    • Issue
    • Year (Date of publication)
    • Pages (from - to)
    • PublishingInfo
    • Address
    • ISSN
    • Categories/Keywords (to be added by the MPDL)

  • Unpublished Manuscript
    • Title
    • Creators
    • Date
    • Pages(from-to)

  • Talk
    • Title
    • Creator
    • Date
    • Address
    • Number of Pages

  • Proceedings
    • Title
    • Creator
    • Pages (from - to)
    • Year (Date of publication)
    • Conference Title
    • PublishingInfo

  • Book
    • Creators
    • Title
    • Date
    • PublishingInfo
    • Address
    • ISBN
    • Volume
    • Issue

  • InBook
    • Creators
    • Title
    • Pages (from-to)
    • Book Title
    • Date
    • Editors
    • PublishingInfo
    • Address
    • ISBN

  • Letter
    • Creator
    • Title
    • Date
    • Number
    • Number of Pages