PubMan and Selenium tests

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Quick start[edit]



  1. Set up test environment [1]
  2. Create test accounts(moderator, depositor…) with fixed context
  3. Specify TestPubmanItem Objects
    Item_ARTICLE, Item_ARTICLE_withFile, Item_ARTICLE_withFileAndLocator, Item_ARTICLE_withLocator … (for each Genre)
    1. on test accounts and test objects => would be good to be able to create useful examples and have the possiblity to restore them at any time (on separate repository)
  4. Specify test scenarios
    1. see “PubMan-Testing scenarios” in Jira, e.g.[2]
    2. organize test cases in input/result matrix, e.g.[3]
  5. Implemant test cases
  6. test reports