Code Discussion 2011 05 09

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TIME: 15:00 Uhr MEZ


  1. What type of JavaScript frameworks should be used?
  2. Which CSS framework should be used in non-/productive projects?


  • Is it possible to find ONE JS-Library for all solutions/projects?
  • basic library is: jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, ...?
  1. in which library standard should be developed
  • which frameworks are in use for jsf?
  1. richfaces
  2. primfaces
  3. trinidad
  • Is it possible to create an standardization for the code base?
  • Makes own programmed functions sense or should be used the given functions from framework?


  1. How is the handling with exisiting component library and non-/productive projects?
  2. How is the handling with the existing CSS and new Components?
  3. How is the handling with new CSS Styles for new/existing Components?