Code Discussion 2011 05 09

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TIME: 15:00 Uhr MEZ


  1. Relationship between GUI & Development
    1. How is the teamwork at the moment?
    2. Which targets should be defined for further working?
  2. What type of JavaScript frameworks should be used?
  3. Which CSS framework should be used in non-/productive projects?


  • Is it possible to find ONE JS-Library for all solutions/projects?
  • basic library is: jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, ...?
  1. in which library standard should be developed
  • which frameworks are in use for jsf?
  1. richfaces
  2. primfaces
  3. trinidad
  • Is it possible to create an standardization for the code base?
  • Makes own programmed functions sense or should be used the given functions from framework?


  1. How is the handling with exisiting component library and non-/productive projects?
  2. How is the handling with the existing CSS and new Components?
  3. How is the handling with new CSS Styles for new/existing Components?