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Richard Bourke Sandbox

Pubman 628 Local Installation Setup[edit]

Purpose of Document This Document is written to give fuller information on the steps to set up a locally running Pubman 6.2.8 Server on your Local Machine, together with all the complicated software stack on which it depends. "Installation Verification Checks" at each stage are provided, and some links to further useful documentation.

Intended Audience of this Document Developers, Administrators or Archivists / Librarians with reasonable PC skills, who wish to see for themselves what Pubman and EsciDoc may offer for benefits, and look behind the scenes at the infrastructure involved.

Scope and dependencies of this Document This Document is written in July/August 2011 and is based on the then current tested Pubman Production and Demonstration Environment. Pubman Release: 6.2.8 EsciDoc Core-Services: 1.2 Oracle Java 6 SDK: 1.6_24 JBoss Application Server: 4.2.2 Postgres: 8.4.8

Limits of this Document Time constraints prevent the documentation of a installation instructions for all tested Pubman and Escidoc Environment. Specifically, the document only describes installation of Pubman 6.2.8 with two tested operating systems environments (Linux (Distribution: Ubuntu 10_04 Desktop 32 Bit) and Windows (Windows 7 Professional 32 Bit) and one tested Database environment (Postgres 8.4).

Current Documentation[edit]

Here is the at time of writing current documentation on Pubman and Escidoc standalone installation, upon which this document attempts to expand.

Pubman Download Page retrieved July 2011

which makes reference to the EsciDoc Core-Services Installation page]

Installation Prerequisites[edit]

Verification of Installation Prerequisites[edit]

== Installation of Escidoc Core-Services 1.2

=== Verification of Escidoc Core-Services Installation

Installation of Pubman 6.2.8[edit]

=== Verification of Pubman 6.2.8

Next Steps[edit]

Load some Test data

Secure your server


missing in jboss/server/default/conf