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Richard Bourke Sandbox

rough notes for install pubman on vm30[edit]

jdk (sun x64 1.6.0_26) install[edit]

  1. no sun jdk as standard in OpenSuse or SLES distribution (licensing reasons)
  2. default OpenJDK install
  3. on vm30, Sun 1.6.0_06 was installed (very old by now).
  4. Download from Oracle Java SE download page (linux x64 rpm binary)
  5. deinstallation of (all) java components with yast (ignore dependencies)
  6. manual install of rpm binary from oracle.
  7. update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin 20
  8. now /usr/bin/java is symbolic link to /etc/alternatives/java - which is probably updated behind the scenes by
  9. update-alternatives --config
  10. Setting JAVA_HOME is almost certainly still going to be necessary, pretty well every OS-Script will test for it.

postgreSQL (8.3) install[edit]

uninstall with yast (+ userdel on postgres user).

ESciDoc (1.2.2) Install[edit]

Pubman install[edit]