ESciDoc Content Models

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Definition and scope[edit]

Content model (CModel) is a formal representation of set of structural, integrity, behavior rules associated with content resources managed in an eSciDoc repository.

  • in eSciDoc content resources are categorized in several primary types: Item, Container, Context, OrganizationalUnit etc.
  • in eSciDoc the CModel scope is at the moment limited to resources of primary type Item or Container.

Note: The primary types are subject to extension in eSciDoc.

eSciDoc Primary types[edit]

  • are complex data structures holding the content resources of an eSciDoc repository and managed via respective resource handler i.e. ItemHandler, ContainerHandler, OrganizationalUnits Handler etc.)
  • represent the highest level of generalization of eSciDoc resources (i.e. Organizational Units, Contexts, Items, Containers, Users, etc.)
  • may be further specialized by use of a CModel definition

Note: at present only Items and Containers are subject to CModel specialization

What cModel defines[edit]

Each CModel is itself a resource in a eSciDoc content repository and as such should have some common properties (applicable for all resources in the repository). Note: at present there is not yet a namespace for common properties of all resources. Once this is done, the properties will become native part of each CModel resource as well .

Each CModel defines the following for respective content resources (Items, Containers) associated with it:

  • Metadata profile (optional?)
    • A reference to a metadata profile with which a content resource can be described
    • example: publication metadata profile can be associated to CModel:PubItem, CModel:FacesCollection etc.
    • To clarify: if there are more than single metadata profile applicable to a resource of a specific CModel
  • CModel specific object properties (optional)
    • are described with property-name, property-type, multiplicity
    • are additional properties (beside common properties) that can be associated with a resource of specific CModel
    • usually are defined by the owner of the CModel to express some specifics that are not covered by the CModel definition
  • Composites (optional)
    • category, multiplicity and format of content components which can be associated with a resource of specific CModel
  • Note: in eSciDoc at present composites can be defined only for
  • Aggregation (opt

Under consideration at present:

  • publishing-method: todo
  • pid-assignment-method: todo
  • withdrawal-method: todo
  • relations: todo (probably not necessary in content model definition)