PubMan Func Spec Import/MARC21

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main structures[edit]

MARC field MARC description PubMan element PubMan description comment
marc:collection a collection of MARC-records item-list:item-list a collection of ESciDoc-items
marc:record a MARC record escidocItem:item an ESciDoc-Item


MARC field MARC description PubMan element PubMan description comment
008/07-10, 008/11-14 008 - Fixed-Length Data Elements-General Information (NR) publication:publication/
dcterms:created The date when the publication was created. date elements are calculated by the function local:dates().

Shorthand: if the publication is an online-resource, eterms:published-online is generated, otherwise dcterms:issued

eterms:published-online Date of online publication of the resource
dcterms:issued Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource
020 020 - International Standard Book Number (R) publication:publication/
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISBN'] ISBN
020 $a $a - International Standard Book Number (NR)
022 022 - International Standard Serial Number (R) publication:publication/
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISSN'] ISSN
022 $a $a International Standard Serial Number (NR)
024 024 - Other Standard Identifier (R) dc:identifier An identifier referencing the described resource, exempted ISBN and ISSN
024 $a $a - Standard number or code (NR)
024 $a $a - Standard number or code (NR) dc:identifier/@xsi:type type of identifier the type of the identifier is - if possible - calculated by the type given in $2 or by any prefix in $a. If this is not succesfull, the type is »eterms:OTHER«
024 $2 $2 - Source of number or code (NR)
030 030 - CODEN Designation (R) publication:publication/
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:OTHER'] other The content of dc:identifier is prefixed with »(CODEN) «
030 $a $a - CODEN (NR)
082 082 - Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R) publication:publication/
dc:subject DDC term
082 $a $a - Classification number (R)
245 245 - Title Statement (NR) publication:publication/
dc:title Title of the described resource
245 $a $a - Title (NR)
246 246 - Varying Form of Title (R) publication:publication/
dcterms:alternative Alternative titles of the described resource, e.g. translations of original title or sub-titles
246 $a $a - Title proper/short title (NR)
246 ind2 Second Indicator - Type of title publication:publication/dcterms:alternative/@xsi:type type of alternative title If ind2 is »0« then @xsi:type is »eterms:ABBREVIATION«. If ind2 is »3« then @xsi:type is »eterms:OTHER«.

Otherwise @xsi:type is not generated.

300 300 - Physical Description (R) publication:publication/
eterms:total-number-of-pages The number of pages of the described item. Note: The pages of an item published in a bundle is part of the source container.
300 $a $a - Extent (R)
505 $a 505 - Formatted Contents Note (R); $a - Formatted contents note (NR) dcterms:tableOfContents Table of contents of the described item. @ind1 is rendered by misc-marc:display-constant-505() to the prefixes »Contents: «, »Incomplete contents: «, or »Partial contents: « (with respect to the language of the record). See [1] for details.
520 3# 520 - Summary, Etc. (R) publication:publication/
dcterms:abstract Abstract or short description of the item.
520 3# $a $a - Summary, etc. (NR)
520 3# $b $b - Expansion of summary note (NR)
653 653 - Index Term-Uncontrolled (R) publication:publication/
dcterms:subject free keywords
653 $a $a - Uncontrolled term (R)
856 4# 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R) escidocComponents:component escidoc component, e.g. a file
856 4# $u $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
marc:record a MARC record publication:publication a publication publication:publication/@type (genre of the publication) is calculated by the function misc-marc:pubman-genre().

If no creator is given, a creator with $misc:anonymous-name (default: »Anonymous«) is created.

publication:publication/@type a publication

creator/person (100/700)[edit]

MARC field MARC description PubMan element PubMan description comment
100 100 - Main Entry-Personal Name (NR) eterms:creator The creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series.
700 700 - Added Entry-Personal Name (R)
100/700 100 - Main Entry-Personal Name (NR) eterms:creator/
person:person a person
100/700 $0 $0 - Authority record control number (R) person:person/
dc:identifier Identifier in the Personennamendatei, provided by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek.
100/700 $a $a - Personal name (NR) person:person/
eterms:family-name The family name of some person If $a contains a comma (»,«), it is splitted at the fist comma in family name and given name.
eterms:given-name The given name of some person
100/700 $c X00 Personal Name; $c - Titles and words associated with a name (R) person:person/
eterms:person-title The title or peerage of a person in one string
100/700 $q $q - Fuller form of name (NR) person:person/
eterms:alternative-name Any alternative name used for the person.
100/700 $u $u - Affiliation (NR) person:person/
organization:organization an organization
dc:title The name of the organization as used in the item
111/711 $e $e - Relator term (R) eterms:creator/
@role role of the creator In case $e and $4 are given, $4 takes precedence over $e. For the mapping of creator terms and codes, see PubMan_Func_Spec_MARC21/commons
111/711 $4 $4 - Relator code (R)

creator/organization (110/710/111/711)[edit]

MARC field MARC description PubMan element PubMan description comment
110 110 - Main Entry-Corporate Name (NR) eterms:creator The creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series.
111 111 - Main Entry-Meeting Name (NR)
710 710 - Added Entry-Corporate Name (R)
711 711 - Added Entry-Meeting Name (R)
110 110 - Main Entry-Corporate Name (NR) eterms:creator/
organization:organization a organization
111 111 - Main Entry-Meeting Name (NR)
710 710 - Added Entry-Corporate Name (R)
711 711 - Added Entry-Meeting Name (R)
110/710/111/711 $0 $0 - Authority record control number (R) organization:organization/
dc:identifier The id of the corresponding organizational unit in the system.
110/710/111/711 $a $b $a - Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)/$b - Subordinate unit (R) organization:organization/
dc:title the name of the organization as used in the item
110/710/111/711 $c $c - Location of meeting (NR) organization:organization/
eterms:address Organization address


MARC field MARC description PubMan element PubMan description comment
020/022 $a ISBN/ISSN escidocComponents:properties/
prop:content-category The value is calculated by the function local:prop-content-category().

Shorthand: if the marc:record itself or the host item (490/770/773) have an ISBN or ISSN, the content category is, else

490/770/773 $x $z Series/Supplement/Host item entry: ISSN/ISBN
540 $a 540 - Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note (R); $a - Terms governing use and reproduction (NR) file:file/
dcterms:license A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource. If 540 $a does not exist or is empty, the value is taken from $local:default-dcterms-license (default: »The terms of licensing could not be retrieved. Please check the source of the file.«)
542 $f 542 - Information Relating to Copyright Status (R); $f - Copyright statement (R) file:file/
dc:rights Information about rights held in and over the resource If 542 $f does not exist or is empty, the value is taken from $local:default-dc-rights (default: »Please inform yourself about the copyrights on this file.«)
856 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R) escidocComponents:component escidoc component, e.g. a file
escidocComponents:properties collection of component's properties
escidocComponents:content collection of informations about access to the component
escidocMetadataRecords:md-records collection of component's metadata
escidocMetadataRecords:md-record metadata record
856 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R) file:file/
dc:description Value is $local:default-file-dc-description (default: »File downloaded at « + date of import).
856 $q $q - Electronic format type (NR) escidocComponents:properties/
prop:mime-type mediatype of the component If $q is not empty, the value is taken from $q. Otherwise, the value is calculated from the file extension (e.g. ».pdf«) in $u.
856 $u $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
856 $q $q - Electronic format type (NR) file:file/
dc:format name of the file If $q is not empty, the value is taken from $q. Otherwise, the value is calculated from the file extension (e.g. ».pdf«) in $u.
856 $u $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
856 $u $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R) escidocComponents:content/ @xlink:href Value of @xlink:title is the filename of the component, extracted from the full path in $u.

Value of @storage is $local:default-content-att_storage (default: »internal-managed«).

escidocComponents:content/ @xlink:title
escidocComponents:content/ @storage
856 $u $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R) file:file/
dc:title name of the file value is the filename of the component, extracted from the full path in $u.
856 $z $z - Public note (R) escidocComponents:properties/
prop:visibility The name of a scope in which the resource is visible. This kind of visibility overrides access rights. Tha value (»private«, »audience«, or »public«) is calculatetd either from 506 0#, from 506 ## $f or from 856 $z (in this order). If this fails, the value is taken from local:default-prop-visibility (»private«).
506[@ind1 eq '0'] 506 - Restrictions on Access Note (R); First Indicator: Restriction: 0 - No restrictions
506 ## $f 506 - Restrictions on Access Note (R); $f - Standardized terminology for access restriction (R)


MARC field MARC description PubMan element PubMan description comment
111 111 - Main Entry-Meeting Name (NR) event:event Some items are related to an event, e.g. a conference or a lecture series
711 711 - Added Entry-Meeting Name (R)
518 518 - Date/Time and Place of an Event Note (R) event:event Some items are related to an event, e.g. a conference or a lecture series
518 $a $a - Date/time and place of an event note (NR) event:event/
dc:title the title of the event
518 $d $d - Date of event (R) event:event/
eterms:start-date start date of an event
eterms:end-date end date of an event
518 $o $o - Other event information (R) event:event/
dcterms:alternative an alternative name for the resource
518 $p $p - Place of event (R) event:event/
eterms:place place of an event
X11 $a $a - Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR) event:event/
dc:title the title of the event
X11 $c $c - Location of meeting (NR) event:event/
eterms:place Place of an event.
X11 $d $d - Date of meeting (NR) event:event/
eterms:start-date start date of an event
eterms:end-date end date of an event

source (490)[edit]

MARC field MARC description PubMan element PubMan description comment
490 490 - Series Statement (R) publication:publication/
source:source The bundle in which the item has been published, e.g. a journal, a book, a series or a database In case of 490, the source type is fixed to »«
@type type (genre) of the source
490 $a $a - Series statement (R) source:source/
dc:title title of the described item
490 $v $v - Volume/sequential designation (R) source:source/
eterms:volume The volume of the source in which the described item was published in
eterms:issue The issue of the source in which the described item was published in
490 $x $x - International Standard Serial Number (R) source:source/
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISSN'] External Identifier of the source, e.g. ISSN, ISBN, URI

source (770/773)[edit]

MARC field MARC description PubMan element PubMan description comment
770 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R) source:source The bundle in which the item has been published, e.g. a journal, a book, a series or a database
773 773 - Host Item Entry (R)
770/773 $7 $7 - Control subfield (NR) source:source/@type type (Genre) of the source. If tag="770", the type of source is In all other cases, the type is calculated with misc-marc:pubman-genre() or local with regard to subfields $x, $z, and $7
770/773 $b $b - Edition (NR) source:source/
eterms:edition The edition of the described resource.
770/773 $d $d - Place, publisher, and date of publication (NR) source:source/
dc:publisher The institution which published the item and additional information, e.g. the publisher name and place of a book, or the university where a theses has been created.
770/773 $o $o - Other item identifier (R) source:source/
dc:identifier External Identifier of the source, e.g. ISSN
770/773 $x $x - International Standard Serial Number (NR)
770/773 $y $y - CODEN designation (NR)
770/773 $z $z - International Standard Book Number (R)
770/773 $p $p - Abbreviated title (NR) source:source/
dcterms:alternative[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ABBREVIATION'] short title
770/773 $q $q - Enumeration and first page source:source/
eterms:volume The volume of the source in which the described item was published in
eterms:issue The issue of the source in which the described item was published in
eterms:start-page Page where the described item starts.
eterms:end-page Page where the described item ends.
770/773 $t $t - Title (NR) source:source/
dc:title Title of the described item


MARC field MARC description PubMan element PubMan description comment
250 250 - Edition Statement (NR) eterms:publishing-info/
eterms:edition The edition of the described resource.
250 $a $a - Edition statement (NR)
250 $b $b - Remainder of edition statement (NR)
260 260 - Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint) (R) eterms:publishing-info/
dc:publisher In case $b and $f are given, $b takes precedence over $f.
260 $b $b - Name of publisher, distributor, etc. (R)
260 $f $f - Manufacturer (R)
260 $a $a - Place of publication, distribution, etc. (R) eterms:publishing-info/
eterms:place Place where described item has been published. In case $a and $e are given, $a takes precedence over $e.
260 $e $e - Place of manufacture (R)
marc:record eterms:publishing-info eterms:publishing-info is only created if a non empty 260 $b or $f exists.

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