PubMan Func Spec MARC21

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PubMan element PubMan label PubMan description MARC field MARC description comment
* (any element not matched by other templates) an error is raised This rule is a trap for unexpected elements. It overules the default rule for elements (process children) and provides help during stylesheet development.
dc:identifier[not(@xsi:type = ('eterms:ISBN', 'eterms:ISSN'))] Identifier An identifier referencing the described resource, exempted ISBN and ISSN 024 7# $a $2 024 - Other Standard Identifier; $a - Standard number or code (NR); $2 - Source of number or code (NR) IDs are repeated as links in $856 4# $u if applicable
dcterms:abstract Abstract Abstract or short description of the item. 520 3# $a 520 - Summary, Etc. (R); $a - Summary, etc. (NR)
@xml:lang Language Abstract or short description of the item/language code #not mapped
dcterms:tableOfContents Table of content Table of contents of the described item. 505 8# $a 505 - Formatted Contents Note (R); $a - Formatted contents note (NR) multiple lines are concateneted with »; «
prop:visibility Visibility The name of a scope in which the resource is visible. This kind of visibility overrides access rights. 506 ?# 506 - Restrictions on Access Note (R) 506 ?# is only written if prop:visibility is not empty and all componets related to the current publication have the same visibility. Ind1 is »0« if prop:visibility is »public«. Ind1 is »1« if prop:visibility is »private« or »audience«. If prop:visibility has none of these values, an error is raised.
prop:visibility Visibility The name of a scope in which the resource is visible. This kind of visibility overrides access rights. 506 ?# $a 506 - Restrictions on Access Note (R); $a - Terms governing access (NR) If prop:visibility is »private«, the value is »No public access«. If prop:visibility is »audience«, the value is »Access only to restricted audience«. In other cases, $a is not written.
prop:visibility Visibility The name of a scope in which the resource is visible. This kind of visibility overrides access rights. 506 ?# $f 506 - Restrictions on Access Note (R); $f - Standardized terminology for access restriction (R) If prop:visibility is »public«, the value is »Unrestricted online access«. If prop:visibility is »private«, the value is »No online access«. If prop:visibility is »audience«, the value is »Online access with authorization«.
prop:visibility Visibility The name of a scope in which the resource is visible. This kind of visibility overrides access rights. 506 ?# $2 506 - Restrictions on Access Note (R); $2 - Source of term (NR) The value is fixed to »star«. See Access Restriction Term Source Codes for details.
escidocItem:item an ESciDoc-Item #not mapped (but childs are processed)
escidocMetadataRecords:md-records a collection of metadata-records
escidocMetadataRecords:md-record Metadata Record a metadata-record
eterms:creator Creator An entity primarily responsible for making the resource
escidocItem:properties #not mapped (childs not processed) some child elements from escidocItem:properties and escidocComponents:components may be processed anyway
local-tag 995 ## $a Multiple local-tag elements are mapped to multiple subfields $a within a single datafield 995.
organization:organization Organization The creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series. A organization. 110 110 - Main Entry-Corporate Name (NR)
person:person Person The creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series. A person. 100 100 - Main Entry-Personal Name (NR)
eterms:creator[local:eterms_creator-is-7xx(.) or local:eterms_creator-is-7xx-other(.)]/
organization:organization Organization The creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series. A organization. 710 710 - Added Entry-Corporate Name (R)
eterms:creator[local:eterms_creator-is-7xx(.) or local:eterms_creator-is-7xx-other(.)]/
person:person Person The creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series. A person. 700 700 - Added Entry-Personal Name (R)
dc:rights Rights Statement Information about rights held in and over the resource 542 ## $f 542 - Information Relating to Copyright Status (R); $f - Copyright statement (R) Duplicate content among several escidocComponents:component//file:file/dc:rights within the same escidocItem:item is skipped.
dcterms:dateCopyrighted Copyright Date Date of copyright. 542 ## $g 542 - Information Relating to Copyright Status (R); $g - Copyright date (NR)
dcterms:license License A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource. 540 ## $a 540 - Terms Governing Use and Reproduction Note (R); $a - Terms governing use and reproduction (NR)
item-list:item-list a collection of ESciDoc-items marc:collection a collection of MARC-records
dc:identifier Identifier The id of the corresponding organizational unit in the system. X10 $0 X10 - Corporate Name (R); $0 - Authority record control number (R) If the type of the identifier can be detected, e.g. from the xsi:type-attribute, the identifier gets a prefix (in parantheses)
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISBN'] Identifier ISBN 020 ## $a 020 - International Standard Book Number (R); $a - International Standard Book Number (NR)
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISSN'] Identifier ISSN 022 ## $a 022 - International Standard Serial Number (R); $a International Standard Serial Number (NR)
dc:subject Classified Subject DDC term 082 ## $a 082 - Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R)
dcterms:alternative Alternative Title Alternative titles of the described resource, e.g. translations of original title or sub-titles 246 #? $a 246 - Varying Form of Title (R); $a - Title proper/short title (NR) If @xsi:type is »eterms:ABBREVIATION« then ind2 is »0«. If @xsi:type is »eterms:OTHER« then ind2 is »3«.

Otherwise ind2 is »#«.

dcterms:subject Free keywords 653 00 $a 653 - Index Term-Uncontrolled (R); $a - Uncontrolled term (R)
eterms:publishing-info Publishing info 260 ## 260 - Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint) (R) $c (Date of publication, distribution, etc. (R)) is calculated via xsl:function »local:publication-date()« from the parent publication:publication.

dc:publisher and eterms:place are mapped to subfields $a and $b in subsequent matching templates

eterms:edition Edition The edition of the described resource. 250 ## $a 250 - Edition Statement (NR); $a - Edition statement (NR)
publication:publication[normalize-space(dc:title)] Publication a publication marc:record a MARC record 001 is calculated from escidocItem:item/@objid by function local:controlfield-001(). 003 is filled with the constant given by parameter $local:librarys-identifying-code (default: »ZDB-97-MPR«). 533 ## $n (content: $local:form-description-for-online-resources, e.g. »[Online]«) is only written if the resource is online available
leader Leader (NR)
001 001 - Control Number (NR)
003 003 - Control Number Identifier (NR)
005 005 - Date and Time of Latest Transaction (NR)
008 008 - Fixed-Length Data Elements-General Information (NR)
533 ## $n 533 - Reproduction Note (R); $n - Note about reproduction (R)
996 ## $as 996 - local implementation: type of publication (German); $a - type of publication (German)
997 ## $as 997 - local implementation: type of publication (English); $a - type of publication (English)
@xml:lang Language #not mapped used publication:publication/dc:language instead
dc:language Language of Publication The languages of the publication. 041 #7 $a $2 041 - Language Code (R); $a - Language code of text/sound track or separate title (R) 041 #7 $a $2 is only written if 1) a) more than one distinct dc:language are present or if b) a 041 #7 $b $2 entry (see dcterms:abstract/@xml:lang) is generated [1] and if 2) all language codes in question can be mapped to ISO 639-2b. Subfield $2 is fixed to »iso639-2b«[2].
dc:title Title Title of the described resource 245 ?0 $a 245 - Title Statement (NR); $a - Title (NR) ind1 (Title added entry: 0 - No added entry/1 - Added entry ) is set in dependency of presence of an main heading author. If publication:publication is detected as an online resource, a subfield $h with the content of $local:form-description-for-online-resources (e.g. »[Online]«) is added.
@xml:lang Language of Abstract 041 #7 $b $2 041 - Language Code (R); $b - Language code of summary or abstract (R) 041 #7 $b is only written if 1) a) more than one distinct dc:language are present or if b) the @xml:lang value differs from the value of the only dc:language element[3] and if 2) all language codes in question can be mapped to ISO 639-2b. Subfield $2 is fixed to »iso639-2b«[4].
dcterms:issued Date published in print Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource 260 $c 260 - Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint) (R); $c - Date of publication, distribution, etc. (R) If eterms:publishing-info is present, 260 $c is produced by the matching template for publication:publication/eterms:publishing-info.

Otherwise, 260 $c is produced here. If more than one of the dates are present, only the first one is used (via xsl:function »local:publication-date()«).

eterms:published-online Date published online Date of online publication of the resource
dcterms:dateAccepted Date accepted Date of acceptance of the resource
dcterms:dateSubmitted Date submitted Date when the resoucre was submitted to the publisher
dcterms:modified Date modified Date on which the resource was changed.
dcterms:created Date created The date when the publication was created.
eterms:court #not mapped no matching MARC field
eterms:degree Academic Degree The type of degree which is received with this type of publication
eterms:location The name of the library where the item is currently located (Element not in use)
eterms:review-method Review type The type of the scientific review process for the described item
eterms:total-number-of-pages Total no. of pages The number of pages of the described item. Note: The pages of an item published in a bundle is part of the source container. 300 ## $a 300 - Physical Description (R); $a - Extent (R) Only the first not empy eterms:total-number-of-pages resp. eterms:start-page/eterms:end-page pair from the list is used for 300 ## $a (via xsl:function »misc:total-number-of-pages()«).

If none of the eterms:total-number-of-pages elements are present, and eterms:start-page and eterms:end-page is given, the extent ist calculated. If applicable, a page marker ($local:page-marker, e.g. »p.«) is added.

eterms:total-number-of-pages Total no. of pages The number of pages of the described item. Note: The pages of an item published in a bundle is part of the source container.
eterms:start-page Start Page Page where the described item starts
eterms:end-page Endpage Page where the described item ends
publication:publication[not(normalize-space(dc:title) )] Publication a publication #not mapped A publication without a dc:title (publication title) is skipped


PubMan element PubMan label PubMan description MARC field MARC description comment
source:source[local:source_source-is-series(.)] Source The bundle in which the item has been published, e.g. a journal, a book, a series or a database 490 ?# 490 - Series Statement (R) If eterms:volume is given, ind1 is 1, else ind1 is 0
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISSN'] Identifier External Identifier of the source, e.g. ISSN, ISBN, URI 490 $x 490 - Series Statement (R); $x - International Standard Serial Number (R)
dc:title Title title of the described item 490 $a 490 - Series Statement (R); $a - Series statement (R) Only creators which would produce a main heading (i.e. the first author) are written to subfield $a. All other creators (such as editors, illustrators, etc.) are mapped to datafields 800 and 810
eterms:creator[local:eterms_creator-is-1xx(.)] Creator the creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series
dcterms:alternative Alternative Title An alternative name for the resource. #not mapped no matching subfields in 490
eterms:sequence-number Sequence Number The number of the described item within the source.
source:source Source The bundle in which the source has been published, e.g. a series.
eterms:volume Volume The volume of the source in which the described item was published in 490 $v 490 - Series Statement (R); $v - Volume/sequential designation (R)
eterms:issue Issue The issue of the source in which the described item was published in


PubMan element PubMan label PubMan description MARC field MARC description comment
event:event Event some items are related to an event, e.g. a conference or a lecture series 033 ?# 033 - Date/Time and Place of an Event (R) ind1 (Type of date in subfield $a, value space #, 0, 2) is calculated in depency of presence of eterms:start-date and eterms:end-date
event:event Event Some items are related to an event, e.g. a conference or a lecture series 518 518 - Date/Time and Place of an Event Note (R)
event:event Event Some items are related to an event, e.g. a conference or a lecture series 711* 711 - Added Entry-Meeting Name (R) *event:event is only mapped to 711 if the type of the parent publication:publication is »«, »«, or »«
dc:title Title the title of the event 518 $a 518 - Date/Time and Place of an Event Note (R); $a - Date/time and place of an event note (NR)
eterms:place Place of Event place of an event
dc:title Title the title of the event 711* $a 711 - Added Entry-Meeting Name (R); $a - Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)
dcterms:alternative Alternative Title an alternative name for the resource 518 $o 518 - Date/Time and Place of an Event Note (R); $o - Other event information (R)
dcterms:alternative Alternative Title An alternative name for the resource 711* $g 711 - Added Entry-Meeting Name (R); $g - Miscellaneous information (NR) multiple dcterms:alternative elements are merged in one single subfield $g
eterms:invitation-status Invited The information whether or not the creator was explicitly invited #not mapped
eterms:place Place of Event place of an event 033 $p 033 - Date/Time and Place of an Event (R); $p - Place of event (R)
eterms:place Place of Event place of an event 518 $p 518 - Date/Time and Place of an Event Note (R); $p - Place of event (R)
eterms:place Place of Event Place of an event. 711* $c 711 - Added Entry-Meeting Name (R); $c - Location of meeting (NR)
eterms:start-date Start date start date of an event 033 $a 033 - Date/Time and Place of an Event (R); $a - Formatted date/time (R)
eterms:end-date End date end date of an event
eterms:start-date Start date start date of an event 518 $d 518 - Date/Time and Place of an Event Note (R); $d - Date of event (R)
eterms:end-date End date end date of an event
eterms:start-date Start date start date of an event 711* $d 711 - Added Entry-Meeting Name (R); $d - Date of meeting (NR) start-date ane end-date are rendered as duration in one single subfield $d
eterms:end-date End date end date of an event


PubMan element PubMan label PubMan description MARC field MARC description comment
source:source[not(local:source_source-is-series(.))] Source The bundle in which the item has been published, e.g. a journal, a book, a series or a database 770 08 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R) If the type of the publication is »issue«, 770 is written, in all other cases the tag is 773.

$i is only written if the bibliographic level of the parent publication is »a« or »b« (publication is monographic or serial component part), or if the bibliographic level of the host item is »m« or »s« (Monograph/

773 08 773 - Host Item Entry (R)
773 08 $i: »in:« 773 - Host Item Entry (R); $i - Relationship information (R)
770/773 08 $7 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R)/773 - Host Item Entry (R); $7 - Control subfield (NR)
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISBN'] Identifier External Identifier of the source: ISBN 770/773 08 $z 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R)/773 - Host Item Entry (R); $z - International Standard Book Number (NR)
dc:identifier[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ISSN'] Identifier External Identifier of the source: ISSN 770/773 08 $x 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R)/773 - Host Item Entry (R); $x - International Standard Serial Number (NR)
dc:title Title Title of the described item 770/773 08 $t 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R)/773 - Host Item Entry (R); $t - Title (NR)
dcterms:alternative[@xsi:type eq 'eterms:ABBREVIATION'] Alternative Title short title 770/773 08 $p 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R)/773 - Host Item Entry (R); $p - Abbreviated title (NR)
dcterms:issued Date published in print 770/773 08 $d 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R)/773 - Host Item Entry (R); $d - Place, publisher, and date of publication (NR) If dcterms:issued is not present or empty, the dates from the parent publication:publication are used (via xsl:function »local:publication-date()«)
eterms:place Place Place where described item has been published
dc:publisher Publisher The institution which published the item and additional information, e.g. the publisher name and place of a book, or the university where a theses has been created.
eterms:creator[misc:eterms_creator-is-author(.)] Creator the creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series 770/773 08 $a 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R)/773 - Host Item Entry (R); $a - Main entry heading (NR) Only creators which would produce a main heading (i.e. the first author) are written to subfield $a. All other creators (such as editors, illustrators, etc.) are mapped to datafields 800 and 810
eterms:sequence-number Sequence Number The number of the described item within the source. #not mapped no matching subfields in 770/773
source:source Source The bundle in which the source has been published, e.g. a series.
eterms:volume Volume The volume of the source in which the described item was published in 770/773 08 $g $q 770 - Supplement/Special Issue Entry (R)/773 - Host Item Entry (R); $g - Related parts (R); $q - Enumeration and first page (NR) [773 only] All parts of $q have to be arabic numbers. Other content like »25/26«, »Sonderheft 1«, »B 70«, »XIV«, and »Supplement S2« is discarded
eterms:issue Issue The issue of the source in which the described item was published in
eterms:start-page Start Page Page where the described item starts.
eterms:end-page Endpage Page where the described item ends.


PubMan element PubMan label PubMan description MARC field MARC description comment
dc:identifier[misc:dc_identifier-is-online-resource(.)] Identifier An identifier referencing the described resource, e.q. URI 856 ?# $q 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R); $q - Electronic format type ind1 is "4" if the content starts with "http://", else "#". $q is calculated from the files extension (e.g. pdf, html)
856 ?# $u 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R); $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
escidocComponents:component escidoc component, e.g. a file 856 4# 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R) 856 4# is only written if escidocComponents:component/
@xlink:href is not empty.
@xlink:href URI to the file, either local or in the web 856 4# u 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R) - $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R) If escidocComponents:component/
@storage equals 'internal-managed', the URL is calculated by the function local:href() from the object context. Otherwise the content of @xlink:href is taken as it is.
prop:content-category Content Category A notion of the type of content the resource represents. 856 4# $3 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R); $3 - Materials specified (NR) prop:content-category holds values from ESciDoc ContentCategories VES. Only the part after the last slash is used, e.g. »any-fulltext« from »«
prop:visibility Visibility The name of a scope in which the resource is visible. This kind of visibility overrides access rights. 856 4# $2 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R); $2 - Access method (NR)
dc:description Description Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource. 856 4# $z 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R); $z - Public note (R)
dc:format[@xsi:type eq 'dcterms:IMT'] Mime type The MIME-Type of the uploaded format. 856 4# $q 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R); $q - Electronic format type (NR)
dcterms:extent Size The size of the file in Bytes. If no content is provided, size is zero. 856 4# $s 856 - Electronic Location and Access (R); $s - File size (R)


PubMan element PubMan label PubMan description MARC field MARC description comment
@role Role Any person or organization who essentially participated in creating the content with a specific task, e.g. author, translator, editor/role X00 $e $e - Relator term (R) eterms:creator/
@role from the value space ESciDoc_CreatorRole_VES are translated to MARC relator terms and codes. The mapping is provided under PubMan Func Spec MARC21/commons#relator_terms_and_codes.
X00 $4 $4 - Relator code (R)
@role Role Any person or organization who essentially participated in creating the content with a specific task, e.g. author, translator, editor/role X10 $e $e - Relator term (R) eterms:creator/
@role from the value space ESciDoc_CreatorRole_VES are translated to MARC relator terms and codes. The mapping is provided under PubMan Func Spec MARC21/commons#relator_terms_and_codes.
X10 $4 $4 - Relator code (R)
dc:title Title Any person or organization who essentially participated in creating the content with a specific task, e.g. author, translator, editor/an organization/The name of the organization as used in the item. X10 $a $a - Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR) If dc:title is empty, the name of the organization is set to $misc:anonymous-organization-name.
eterms:address Address Any person or organization who essentially participated in creating the content with a specific task, e.g. author, translator, editor/an organization/Organization address X10 $g $g - Miscellaneous information (NR)
eterms:alternative-name Alternative Name Any person or organization who essentially participated in creating the content with a specific task, e.g. author, translator, editor/a person/Any alternative name used for the person. X00 $g $g - Miscellaneous information (NR)
eterms:pseudonym Pseudonym Any person or organization who essentially participated in creating the content with a specific task, e.g. author, translator, editor/a person/The pen or stage name of a person.
eterms:complete-name Complete Name The complete name of a person, usually a concatenation of given names and family name. X00 ?# $a 100 - Main Entry - Personal Name (NR)/700 - Added Entry - Personal Name (R), $a - Personal name (NR) ind1 is set by the following rules:
  1. If given name and family name are not empty, ind 1 is "1".
  2. If given name is not empty and complete name is empty or the same as given name, ind1 is set to "0".
  3. If family name is not empty and complete name is empty or same as family name, ind1 is set to "3".
  4. If none of these rules applies, ind1 is set to '#'
eterms:given-name Given name The given name of some person.
eterms:family-name Family name The family name of some person
eterms:person-title Title The title or peerage of a person in one string X00 $c X00 Personal Name; $c - Titles and words associated with a name (R)
dc:identifier Identifier Identifier in the Personennamendatei, provided by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. X00 $0 X00 - Personal Name; $0 - Authority record control number (R)
organization:organization Organization The organizational unit the person was affiliated to when creating the item X00 $u X00 Personal Name; $u - Affiliation (NR) multiple organization:organization are merged into one single x00 $u
dc:title Title The bundle in which the item has been published, e.g. a journal, a book, a series or a database. Title of the described item. X00/X10 $t $t - Title of a work (NR) Subfield $t is only written for datafields with tag 800/810.
organization:organization Organization The creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series. A organization 800 ## 810 - Series Added Entry-Corporate Name (R) Main heading creators are mapped to 490 $a/
770 $a/
773 $a. Only creators which would not have a main heading entry are mapped to 800/810. This field is not created if the source is a series, a journal, or a newspaper (due to decision of PubMan/VuFind practitioners 2013-07-05).
person:person Person The creator of the source, e.g. the editor of a book or a book series. A person 800 ## 800 - Series Added Entry-Personal Name (R) Main heading creators are mapped to 490 $a/
770 $a/
773 $a. Only creators which would not have a main heading entry are mapped to 800/810. This field is not created if the source is a series, a journal, or a newspaper (due to decision of PubMan/VuFind practitioners 2013-07-05).

common subfields[edit]

PubMan element PubMan label PubMan description MARC field MARC description comment
dc:publisher Publisher The institution which published the item and additional information, e.g. the publisher name and place of a book, or the university where a theses has been created. 260 $a 260 - Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint) (R); $a - Place of publication, distribution, etc. (R)
eterms:place Place Place where described item has been published. 260 $b 260 - Publication, Distribution, etc. (Imprint) (R); $b - Name of publisher, distributor, etc. (R)

952: host item entry[edit]

PubMan element PubMan label PubMan description MARC field MARC description comment
dcterms:issued Date published in print Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource 952 ## $j 952 - local implementation: host item entry (R); $j – publication date If more than one of the dates are present, only the first one is used (via xsl:function »local:publication-date()«).
eterms:published-online Date published online Date of online publication of the resource
dcterms:dateAccepted Date accepted Date of acceptance of the resource
dcterms:dateSubmitted Date submitted Date when the resoucre was submitted to the publisher
dcterms:modified Date modified
dcterms:created Date created
eterms:total-number-of-pages Total no. of pages The number of pages of the described item. Note: The pages of an item published in a bundle is part of the source container. 952 ## $g 952 - local implementation: host item entry (R); $g - page count If no eterms:total-number-of-pages nor source:source/eterms:total-number-of-pages is present, and eterms:start-page and eterms:end-page are present, the page count is calculated. Anyway, it is the same value (without page marker like »p.«) as in 300 ## $a
eterms:total-number-of-pages Total number of pages The number of pages of the described item. Note: The pages of an item published in a bundle is part of the source container.
eterms:start-page Start Page Page where the described item starts
eterms:end-page Endpage Page where the described item ends
source:source Source The bundle in which the item has been published, e.g. a journal, a book, a series or a database 952 ## 952 - local implementation: host item entry (R) 952 ## is only written for items which are component parts (= MARC Leader 07 is »a« or »b«).
eterms:issue Issue The issue of the source in which the described item was published in 952 ## $e 952 - local implementation: host item entry (R); $e - issue
eterms:start-page Start Page Page where the described item starts 952 ## $h 952 - local implementation: host item entry (R); $h - page reference
eterms:end-page Endpage Page where the described item ends
eterms:volume Volume The volume of the source in which the described item was published in 952 ## $d 952 - local implementation: host item entry (R); $d - volume

general functions[edit]

The function local:lang(dc:language) takes a dc:language element and returns the ISO-639-2 language code. ISO-639-3 values are mapped to ISO-639-2 by function PubMan_Func_Spec_Import/commons#language codes

The function local:publication-date() retrieves the date of a publication. The function takes the first not empty date element from publication:publication by the following order:

  1. dcterms:issued
  2. eterms:published-online
  3. dcterms:dateAccepted
  4. dcterms:dateSubmitted
  5. dcterms:modified
  6. dcterms:created

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