Imeji-gui - page-components
This page explains the template structure of the imeji gui and describes the working draft for the gui-restructure branch.
- Work Package - KA (1.5 man-months or 3 x 0.5 man-months)
- imeji - new Homepage - KA
- WordPress - Admin, Config etc.
- Theme - Design, CSS
Modal Dialogs[edit]
- were include at the end of site, before end tag of body -- see template_site.xhtml
- includes modalDialogs_from_template (e.g. in template/sub_template/template_image_tiledlist.xhtml)
- global modal dialogs for these template
- includes modalDialogs_from_site (e.g. in CollectionBrowse.xhtml)
- site specific modal dialogs
- includes modalDialogs_from_template (e.g. in template/sub_template/template_image_tiledlist.xhtml)
- for highlight the current main menu item see the styleClass conditions in templates/component/menu/mainmenu_default.xhtml for the specific variable values
- ui:param currentMainMenu must be defined in every <site>.xhtml (e.g. collection, album, mediaEntry, welcome, admin, ...)
- all pages contain navigation structures and components (which can include navigations points)
- the general used components are summarized in a "general section" for a better overview
- if a page has a different header or footer section, put the header/footer section to the page and describe it there
- if a content section differs from the general content section, name it "specific content", otherwise choose "addtional content" to describe which components are also included in the content section
- differences between "area" and "panel"
- area describes content with multi line (e.g. like textarea)
- panel describes a single line content (e.g. like a input)
- components/elements which are fixed should be marked with
- components/elements which are bugy should be marked with
- white label instance logo - as shortcut for the home page
- meta menu with login/logout, link to help page, language selector
- simple search menu
- link to advanced search
- main menu navigation
- status message area (e.g. after login)
- page title (e.g. collection / album title)
- history / breadcrump navigation
- imeji status (version and build date)
confirm boxes[edit]
- headline
- text (optional: inputbox e.g. for discard message)
- cancel/submit buttons
specific content[edit]
- main menu
- status message area (e.g. confirmation message after login)
- carousel with thumbnails of media elements (from public collections)
- information block as tab block (about, news (rss/twitter), how to)
- supporter area (imeji community logo and escidoc logo)
additional content[edit]
- sub menu
- action menu - sort by ... asc/desc, show as rdf - (menuLevel2)
- separate message area (searchQueryMessageArea) for:
- Ajax search query display (when coming from search)
- Search 'revise' button (when coming from search)
- paginator - top / bottom - (paginator):
- range selector for number of results on one page (paginatorRangeSelector)
- page paginator with single page selection - up to seven pages - (paginatorSinglePages)
- jump-to-page box (paginatorJumpBox)
- facets-filter selection (selectionInfoPanel)
- number of results
- number of selected images
- tiled media list
- list header
- option box for selection (selectionBoxLayer)
- list body
- item (image) entries with thumbnail, checkbox and title
- item (image) information layer - on mouse over - (informationLayer)
- list header
- facets box (facetsArea)
IMAGES ⇒ Detailpage
additional content[edit]
- paginator without single page selection - top (paginator)
- page paginator (paginatorItem)
- facets-filter selection (selectionInfoPanel)
- number of selected images
- view container for the media element - e.g. image - (mediaDisplayContainer)
- edit panel for select media item and/or delete item from collection
- meta data description box (metadataListing)
- list header (listHeader)
- custom metadata (headerEntry)
- technical metadata (headerEntry)
- list body (listBody)
- sidebar
- title - e.g. "Metadata" (contentTitle)
- link to edit custom metadata
- content
- sidebar
- list header (listHeader)
IMAGE Edit Metadata (Single item)
additional content[edit]
- paginator without single page selection - top (paginator)
- page paginator (paginatorItem)
- facets-filter selection (selectionInfoPanel)
- number of selected images
- view container for the media element - e.g. image - (mediaDisplayContainer)
- edit panel for select media item and/or delete item from collection
- meta data description box (metadataListing)
- list header (listHeader)
- custom metadata (headerEntry)
- technical metadata (headerEntry)
- list body (listBody)
- sidebar
- title - e.g. "Metadata" (contentTitle)
- content
- custom metadata edit:
- metadata label
- edit area
- input, select fields
- custom metadata edit:
- sidebar
- list footer (listFooter)
- submit panel for cancel + save button
- list header (listHeader)
IMAGE Edit Metadata (Selected items)[edit]
additional content[edit]
- metadata edit list (metadataEditListing)
- list body (listBody)
- global edit
- drop down box for metadata element - (elementSelector)
- editArea, editLabel / editPanels, drop down box for predefined values
- radio buttons for write options (writeOptionRadio) - change with submitPanel
- submit panel to save changes for all items (submitPanel)
- select metadata element to edit (editEntry)
- thumbnail
- label
- editArea
- global edit
- submit panel for clear all, reset changes, cancel, submit - top / bottom - (submitPanel)
- list body (listBody)
IMAGE Edit Metadata (Batch Edit)[edit]
- metadata edit list (metadataBatchEditListing)
- list body (listBody)
- drop down box for metadata element - (elementSelector)
- editArea
- editLabel / editPanels
- drop down box for predefined values
- radio buttons for write options (writeOptionRadio)
- list footer (listFooter)
- submit panel for cancel, submit - bottom - (submitPanel)
- list body (listBody)
IMAGE Upload[edit]
additional content[edit]
- upload area to drag and drop files
- upload buttons
- "add images" (link) to open client file explorer
- "start uplaod" (link) to start the file upload process
- input for file uplaod via link - image url
- "start upload" (link)
additional content[edit]
- sub menus
- menu 1
- option menu for sort, filter, create collection - (menuLevel2)
- menu 2
- action menu for order by, ... asc / desc - (menuLevel3)
- menu 1
- paginator - top / bottom - (paginator):
- range selector for number of results on one page (paginatorRangeSelector)
- page paginator with single page selection - up to seven pages - (paginatorSinglePages)
- jump-to-page box (paginatorJumpBox)
- facets-filter selection (selectionInfoPanel)
- number of all collections
- delete box for selected collections
- bibliographic list
- list header (listHeader)
- selection menu (selectionBoxLayer)
- must be modify for - select all my collection, title: choose collections, ...
- status (when logged in)
- display options
- selection menu (selectionBoxLayer)
- list body (listBody)
- collection entries (logged in)
- checkbox, status, buttons for more/less display, metadata, navigation points and actions
- collection entries (not logged in)
- media item pile (check dev server), buttons for more/less display, metadata, navigation points and actions
- collection entries (logged in)
- list header (listHeader)
COLLECTION ⇒ Startpage
additional content[edit]
- sub menus
- sub menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- option menu (startpage, view images, collection metadata, upload images)
- sub menu 2 (menuLevel3)
- action menu (share collection, publish collection, delete)
- sub menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- tiled list for thumbnails - up to 5 -
- navigation point to collection image list view
- metadata box for collection description
additional content[edit]
- sub menus
- sub menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- option menu (startpage, show images, collection metadata, upload images)
- sub menu 2 (menuLevel3)
- action menu (order by ... asc/desc, show as rdf, publish, delete, export)
- sub menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- paginator - top / bottom - (paginator):
- range selector for number of results on one page (paginatorRangeSelector)
- page paginator with single page selection - up to seven pages - (paginatorSinglePages)
- jump-to-page box (paginatorJumpBox)
- facets-filter selection (selectionInfoPanel)
- number of results
- option box for all media items (selectionBoxLayer)
- number of selected images
- option box for selected media items (selectionBoxLayer)
- tiled media list
- list header
- option box for selection (selectionBoxLayer)
- list body
- item (image) entries with thumbnail, checkbox and title
- item (image) information layer - on mouse over - (informationLayer)
- list header
- facets box (facetsArea)
+ NOTICE for further development: COMBINE selectionBoxLayer from listHeader and selectionBoxLayer for all media items from selectionPanel
additional content[edit]
- sub menu for collection (menuLevel2)
- meta data description box (metadataListing)
- list body (listBody)
- collectionInformation
- sidebar
- title - (contentTitle)
- link to edit
- content
- collection information via label and value
- sidebar
- collection metadata profile
- sidebar
- title - (contentTitle)
- link for show in xml
- link for edit
- content
- metadata information via label and value
- sidebar
- collectionInformation
- list body (listBody)
COLLECTION Profile Editor[edit]
additional content[edit]
- collection profile editor (collectionProfileEditor)
- list header (listHeader)
- title lable and input field
- list body (listBody)
- list entries (metadataEntry)
- title
- button to remove metadata
- radio button for image caption
- checkbox for metadata duplication "multiple"
- checkbox for "preview"
- metadata type
- metadata display label "label"
- metadata language selector
- button for:
- add label
- add vocabulary
- add predefined values
- add child
- submitPanel
- buttons for:
- add metadata
- buttons for:
- list entries (metadataEntry)
- list footer (listFooter)
- submit panel for cancel, submit (submitPanel)
- list header (listHeader)
COLLECTIONS Create/Edit Collection[edit]
specific content[edit]
- main menu navigation
- status message area (e.g. after login)
- page title (e.g. collection / album title)
- meta data description box (metadataListing)
- list body (listBody)
- collectionInformation
- sidebar
- title - (contentTitle)
- area to edit collection information via label, value and more/less buttons
- sidebar
- collectionInformation
- list footer (listFooter)
- panel for cancel, submit (submitPanel)
- list body (listBody)
additional content[edit]
- sub menus
- menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- option menu for sort, filter, create album
- menu 2 (menuLevel3)
- action menu for order by, ... asc / desc
- menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- paginator - top / bottom - (paginator):
- range selector for number of results on one page (paginatorRangeSelector)
- page paginator with single page selection - up to seven pages - (paginatorSinglePages)
- jump-to-page box (paginatorJumpBox)
- facets-filter selection (selectionInfoPanel)
- number of all albums
- delete box for selected album
- list for album overview (albumList)
- list header (listHeader)
- selection menu (selectionBoxLayer)
- order option: status
- order option: label
- author
- images
- description
- order option: last modification date
- de-/activate option
- list body
- album entries with checkbox and column values and link to album
- list header (listHeader)
ALBUM ⇒ Startpage
additional content[edit]
- sub menus
- sub menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- option menu startpage, album metadata
- sub menu 2 (menuLevel3)
- action menu for share album, release, delete
- sub menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- tiled list for thumbnails - up to 5 -
- navigation point to collection image list view
- metadata box for collection description
ALBUM ⇒ Images
additional content[edit]
- sub menus
- sub menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- option menu for startpage, show images, album metadata
- sub menu 2 (menuLevel3)
- action menu for order by ... asc/desc, view as rdf, publish, delete
- sub menu 1 (menuLevel2)
- paginator - top / bottom - (paginator):
- range selector for number of results on one page (paginatorRangeSelector)
- page paginator with single page selection - up to seven pages - (paginatorSinglePages)
- jump-to-page box (paginatorJumpBox)
- facets-filter selection (selectionInfoPanel)
- number of results
- option box for all media items (selectionBoxLayer)
- number of selected images
- option box for selected media items (selectionBoxLayer)
- tiled media list
- list header
- option box for selection (selectionBoxLayer)
- list body
- item (image) entries with thumbnail, checkbox and title
- item (image) information layer - on mouse over - (informationLayer)
- list header
+ NOTICE for further development: COMBINE selectionBoxLayer from listHeader and selectionBoxLayer for all media items from selectionPanel
additional content[edit]
- sub menu for album (menuLevel2)
- meta data description box (metadataListing)
- list body (listBody)
- albumInformation
- sidebar
- title - (contentTitle)
- link to edit
- content
- album information via label and value
- sidebar
- albumInformation
- list body (listBody)
ALBUM EDIT METADATA (like Collection Metadata)[edit]
specific content[edit]
- main menu navigation
- status message area (e.g. active album)
- page title (e.g. collection / album title)
- metadata description box (metadataListing)
- list body (listBody)
- albumInformation
- sidebar
- title - (contentTitle)
- area to edit album information via label, value and more/less buttons
- sidebar
- albumInformation
- list footer (listFooter)
- panel for cancel, submit (submitPanel)
- list body (listBody)
SHARE Page[edit]
specific content[edit]
- main menu navigation
- status message area (e.g. active album)
- page title (e.g. collection / album title)
- share component (shareComponent)
- email input
- role selection
- submit panel for cancel, submit (submitPanel)
- confirm dialog for sharing
additional content[edit]
- collection seletor for search query (detailSearch)
- list body (listBody)
- searchListEntry
- collection selector (collectionSelector)
- collection filter entries
- connector (NOT, ...)
- metadata type
- compare selector ( -- , exactly )
- input field for search value
- more/less buttons for collection filter entries
- searchListEntry
- submit panel for more/less buttons for searchListEntries
- list body (listBody)
- submit panel for clear values, search (submitPanel)
SIMPLE / ADAVANCED SEARCH ⇒ Resultpage (like Images)[edit]
additional content[edit]
- sub menu
- action menu - sort by ... asc/desc, show as rdf - (menuLevel2)
- separate message area (searchQueryMessageArea) for:
- Ajax search query display
- Search 'revise' button
- paginator - top / bottom - (paginator):
- range selector for number of results on one page (paginatorRangeSelector)
- page paginator with single page selection - up to seven pages - (paginatorSinglePages)
- jump-to-page box (paginatorJumpBox)
- facets-filter selection (selectionInfoPanel)
- number of results
- number of selected images
- tiled media list
- list header
- option box for selection (selectionBoxLayer)
- list body
- item (image) entries with thumbnail, checkbox and title
- item (image) information layer - on mouse over - (informationLayer)
- list header
- facets box (facetsArea)
ADMIN (Overview Page)
specific content[edit]
- main menu
- message area (e.g. for login message)
- page title
- section list user
- section list configuration
- section list storage
- section list advanced settings
+ NOTICE: every section list contains of: entry with label and description - e.g. Reindex: <descriptionForReindex>
ADMIN (Create User)
specific content[edit]
- main menu
- message area (e.g. for login message)
- page title
- user list (userListCreate)
- list body (listBody)
- sidebar
- title (contentTitle)
- content
- edit user profile with label and values
- checkbox for 'send email'
- sidebar
- list footer (listFooter)
- cancel/submit buttons
- list body (listBody)
ADMIN (View Users)
additional content[edit]
- List of all user accounts, each user has info (listAllUser):
- list body (listBody)
- username
- userright information - list of related collections and albums
- Role for collection/album
- Link to collection/album
- actions for edit user, send new password, delete user ⇒ should be reduce to an selectionBoxLayer by hover username
- name and email of user
- list body (listBody)
+ NOTICE for further development: add area for display user online status ++ function to send one email to all user, e.g. for next imeji update, etc.
ADMIN (Edit User)
specific content[edit]
- main menu
- message area (e.g. for login message)
- page title
- user list (userListEdit)
- list body (listBody)
- userinfos via label and input value, change password with submit button to change password (userInfoEntry)
- Possibility to edit data (textoutputfield changes to textinputfield)
- user rights entry with label for collection/album/metadata-profile and the revoke action (userRightsEntry)
- role for collection/album
- id of collection/album
- button 'revoke'
- userinfos via label and input value, change password with submit button to change password (userInfoEntry)
- list body (listBody)
ADMIN (Storage Information)
additional content[edit]
- section list storage
- list header (listHeader)
- title - database information
- title - storage information
- list body (listBody)
- data information about images, users, collections, albums
- number of files, size of files, free space
- list header (listHeader)
ADMIN (Storage Tools) - not available a.t.m.[edit]
Additional content[edit]
- Will contain the import utilities in future
ERROR Page (404,500)[edit]
additional content[edit]
- Contains only one single text box for user information
LOGIN Page[edit]
e.g. when you view an private album and you are not logged in (
additional content[edit]
- login form
- Text input fields for login data (email, pwd)
- submit panel for cancel/submit (submitPanel)