PubMan 7 7

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Revision as of 10:05, 16 June 2014 by Mwalter (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page shall contain every change that is made during a qa release of the version mentioned above. If it's not here, it never happened! = PubMan 7.6 Release = == Affected...")
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This page shall contain every change that is made during a qa release of the version mentioned above. If it's not here, it never happened!

PubMan 7.6 Release[edit]

Affected Servers[edit]

Prepare read only system[edit]


Coreservice Apache[edit]

Coreservice JBoss[edit]

Core Infrastructure[edit]

Core Properties[edit]

Core Index Properties[edit]

Core Lucene Index[edit]

PubMan EAR[edit]

PubMan Properties[edit]

  • escidoc.transformation.wos.stylesheet.filename=/usr/share/jboss/server/default/conf/transformation/transformations/otherFormats/xslt/wosxml2escidoc.xslt

& check if transformation exists

PubMan Apache[edit]

PubMan JBoss[edit]

PubMan PidCache[edit]


Validation Database[edit]

Migration database[edit]


eSciDoc Admin[edit]

Data Migration[edit]

PubMan Software Homepage[edit]
