Maven settings and profiles

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The following profiles given by their profile identifier are available for the PubMan and common_services build process:

The first three profiles mark the kind of the built artifact. Depending of the activated profile a PuRe PubMan instance or an OpenSource PubMan instance or an NIMS PubMan instance are built. A classifer is used to show the kind of the instance, e.g. pubman-ear-pure.ear for an PuRe PubMan instance or pubman-ear-nims.ear for an NIMS PubMan instance. Exactly one ore none of these three profiles may be activated. The env-opensource profile is the default one. The name of an OpenSource pubMan instance is pubman-ear.ear with an empty classifier.

  • env-opensource
  • env-pure
  • env-nims

The following profiles .....

  • env-testing-continuum \\This is a special profile used for the daily build on Continuum. It provides the hot deployment to the mounted file system of the dev-pubman server. Is deactivated by default.
  • env-jrebel-build

This profile generates the instrumentation of the artifact for using JRebel. Should be activated only for development purposes. Is deactivated by default.

  • integration-tests

Activate this profile if you want to perform the integration tests on the local Wildfly Server during the build process. Is deactivated by default.

  • wildfly

Activate this profile if you want to deploy the built artifact automatically the local Wildfly Server.