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Revision as of 11:02, 10 August 2018 by Wfrank (talk | contribs) (INge-Migration)
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build: Run as -> Maven install (uses Maven shade plugin in phase package)

deployable(s): migration.jar + from /src/main/resources (both files have to be in the same folder.)

extract and edit 1. jar xf migration.jar 2. edit 3. jar uf migration.jar

full migration: 1. (sudo) java -jar migration.jar ous 2. (sudo) java -jar migration.jar ctx 3. (sudo) java -jar migration.jar users 4. (sudo) java -jar migration.jar logins 5. (sudo) java -jar migration.jar items

full items migrations takes up to 28 hours on dev and 18+ hours on qa. for this reason you should run this task in a seperate screen and in the background. a. start a new screen: screen + hit return to continue b. change into the appropriate directory c. sudo bash -c 'nohup java -jar migration.jar items > <log_file> 2>&1 &' d. to detach from the screen: <Ctrl> + a + d

during the migration process all files will be stored in the current directory: <cwd>null/standalone/data/inge_files/2018/*

BEFORE !!! you start the reindexing process you need to copy the files to their default location: e.g. on qa.inge: /srv/web(inge/standalone/data/inge_files/2018/*

full reindexing 1. (sudo) java -jar migration.jar ous_reindex 2. (sudo) java -jar migration.jar ctx_reindex 3. (sudo) java -jar migration.jar users_reindex 4. (sudo) java -jar migration.jar items_reindex

full items reindexing takes up to 8 hours on dev and 3+ hours on qa. for this reason you should run this task in a seperate screen and in the background. a. start a new screen: screen + hit return to continue b. change into the appropriate directory c. sudo bash -c 'nohup java -jar migration.jar items_reindex > <log_file> 2>&1 &' d. to detach from the screen: <Ctrl> + a + d

BEFORE !!! you start any reindexing process you need to clean up the KahaDB: sudo rm -rf /tmp/localhost/KahaDB

for testing purposes some task can be invoked for single resources: (sudo) java -jar migration.jar single_user escidoc:<user_id> will migrate and reindex a single user

(sudo) java -jar migration.jar single escidoc:<item_id> will migrate a single item (sudo) java -jar migration.jar single_reindex escidoc:<item_id> will reindex a single item