ESciDoc Admin

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eSciDoc admin is a a solution for the management of master data in an installation of the eSciDoc framework. Currently it is implemented as TurboGears web application talking to the framework's REST interface.

It implements (parts of) the use cases specified in

Repository URL:




To run escidocadmin from a repository checkout, run

 svn co

in a suitable directory.


eSciDoc admin - as a web interface to the framework's CRUD services for its resources - has a very simple architecture:

  • All communication with the framework is implemented in a framework client library
  • As a !TurboGears aplication, escidocadmin subscribes to the MVC pattern, or better the VC pattern, because the persistence layer is implemented by the framework.
  • The management logic for each resource is implemented in one controller class.
  • The views for each resource are implemented in one (or several) templates.