Interface Draft: Breadcrumb Concept

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Breadcrumb concept

Definition A breadcrumb should provide a trail for useres navigatin within a page structure. Especially to return to pages where they have been before. Users sometimes do not have in mind how to navigate to a certain page via the application menu. For applications - where items can be changed - there is no way back in time. Once an item has been changed it would not make sense to return to a previous view. If so, the user needs to know the difference between 'back' and 'undo'.

PubMan should provide a breadcrumb only for item lists, view item version, item details.

Why a breadcrumb makes no sense for the following functionality:

All other pages are either confusing or inconsistent, because:

Simple Search

  • Anyway provided persistently inside header
  • Not clear where breadcrumb leads to (revise search via advanced search?)

Advanced Search

  • Anyway provided persistently inside header

Organisation Search

  • Anyway provided persistently inside header


  • Will mostly appar at the end of the breadcrumb
  • Autoamtically available after any search

Item Details (Revisions, Attachements, ...)

  • Will mostly appar at the end of the breadcrumb


  • Inconsistent because item changed in status


  • Will be a mixture of structural breadcrumb and action history
  • As actions lead to modifications the breadcrumb is rather a undo history (not possible!!)

Public: Click Level | Breadcrumb 0 | Lists: 0 List Items 1-2 | Lists: Searchresult (10) 3 | Lists: Searchresult (10) > View Item (x) 4 | Lists: Searchresult (10) > View Item (x) > Revision (x)

Logged in: Click Level | Breadcrumb 0 | Lists: Submitted (5) 3 | Lists: Submitted (5) > View Item (x) 4 | Lists: Submitted (5) > View Item (x) > Item Log

Logged in and continue searching : 2 | Submitted (5) > View Item (x) > Item Log >