GUI Constraints

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This page should give a short overview to all browser-related specifications.

Supported Browsers[edit]

name version release date used by[1] market share[2] supported
Internet Explorer 5.01 1999/12 43.9% 0.6% not required
5.5 2001/10 1.9% not required
6.0 2001/10 46.8% yes
7.0 2006/10 17.7% yes
Firefox 1.5 2005/12 22.2% 38.9% tested
2.0 2006/10 yes
Safari 2.0 2005/04 2.9% 2.8% not testable
3.0 2007/06 yes
Opera 9.x 2006/06 0.96% 0.5% not required

Required web techniques[edit]

name version release date activation[3] required
Cascading Style Sheets 1.0 12/1996 100%[4] required
2.0 05/1998 specials only[5]
3.0 -[6] not required
Cookies - - 98.5% required[7]
JavaScript 1.5 06/2002 94,0%[8][9] required
1.6 11/2005 undefined
1.7 07/2006 undefined
1.8 12/2007 not required
Java Plugin 1.3 05/2000 99,6%[10] not required
1.4 02/2002 not required
1.5 09/2004 not required
1.6 12/2006[11] not required

Screen Solution Optimization[edit]

screen solution used by[12] optimized for
800 / 600 2.9% scroll only[13]
1024 / 768 44.2% optimized
1152 / 864 4.0% should be ok
1280 / 1024 35.8% should be ok
1600 / 1200 2.5% should be ok

Enlargeable font size[edit]

The font size can be enlarged by the user without limitations to content, readability or GUI design within the following range limitations:

font/box size steps Text Application Layout
larger not supported not supported
4x - 8x readable but not nice divergent
1x - 4x readable/no overlappings small divergence

Graceful dagradation[edit]

Degradation of Navigation

The eSciDoc GUI makes use of skip links, important to users equipped with screen readers and text browsers or conservative browser settings. The skip links allow to jump to navigation or content.

Degradation of Style (CSS)

Style Usability Specialities
No application layout The eSciDoc GUI shows all relevant controls. All Controls can be operated properly. All HTML Elements are lined up in structured manner and can still be identified Elements with visibility=hidden ???

Degaradation of Java Script

Style Usability Specialities
Some controls (input) are set back to browser default but application layout is kept Each control can be operated properly ???

Media Types[edit]

Type Style Usability Specialities
Print Navigation is not printed Content is readable None
Mobile Device/Browser dependent (textmode via CSS degadation) Device/Browser dependent None


  1. share according to the edoc webstats (march 2008)
  2. market share in germany according to (march 2008)
  3. percentage of users with activated technique according to (march 2008)
  4. although all modern browsers support at least CSS1, the implementation level and the level of support differs
  5. although CSS 2.0 is not explicitly required its support will enable some rare extra features
  6. still work in progress
  7. cookies support is required for system login
  8. activation share according to
  9. JavaScript version 1.5 is used by 99.4% of all users with activated JavaScript according to (march 2008)
  10. although gives a 99.6% activation level, it also states, that only 12.4% of users have an java plugin
  11. there is still no regular implementation of Java 1.6 for Mac OSX yet (march 2008)
  12. usage in germany according to (march 2008)
  13. on monitors with too small resolutions the solutions will be viewable via horizontal scrolling only