Trip Report: Summer School Digitale Editionen 2008

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Event: Summer School "Digitale Editionen – Methodische und technische Grundfertigkeiten" of the "Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien" at the University of Cologne

Köln, 01. -05. September 2008

Participants MPDL: Ulla, Kristina


  • HTML
  • CSS (separation from structure and presentation)
  • Character encoding
  • Digitalization
  • Recommended data formats are
  1. Tiff (for the original files)
  2. For compression: jpeg (not recommended for texts because it creates gray dots around the letters which can be seen in a high zooming), png, gif
  • Transcription
  • OCR
  1. Recommended OCR software: Fine Reader from Abby (can not read all Gothic print types)
  2. Google is currently working on an freeware

State of the art[edit]

  • Digital editions
  • Differences to a print edition
  • Some nice examples of digital editions
  1. Caxton's Canterbury Tales (CD-ROM)
  2. The William Blake Archive
  3. Fontes Civitatis Ratisponensis Online
  • Software Tools
  • For supporting the display of the material
  1. Versioning Machine (VM)
  2. Anastasia
  • For supporting the submission of the material
  1. EPPT (Edition Production and Presentation)
  • XML Editors
  1. Oxygen
  2. XML Spy


  • XML
  • Is a meta language which describes the rules of markup languages
  • Some sub-languages
  1. XPath for navigation within XML documents
  2. Schema as description for a data model (e.g. via xml schema or a dtd)
  3. XSL:eXtensible style language
    • XSL-T: transforming xml documents in html
    • XSL-FO: