Trip Report: TextGrid Summit

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Revision as of 09:00, 26 January 2009 by Kristina (talk | contribs)
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PLEASE NOTE: This page is still in preparation!!!

Event: TextGrid Summit

Göttingen, 21.-22. January 2009

  • Wednesday, 21 January: Symposium with international speakers, TextGrid demo, use cases, and discussion of prospects in the e-Humnanities (conference language: English)
  • Thursday, 22 January: Developers' Workshop and Hands-On-Session

Participants MPDL: Heike, Melanie, Kristina

For details, please check the Agenda for the Symposium.

TextGrid: Introduction and Overview[edit]

  • Presentation of the TextGrid beta version
  • TextGrid is the first German grid computing project for the eHumanities
  • Goal of the project:
    • to develop a virtual research infrastructure (based on distributed resources)
    • to develop generic grid services, which can also be used by other grid projects
  • The basis is to modulate a service orientated infrastructure (SOA) with user interfaces and the usage of standards when ever that's possible.
  • Live demonstration of the TextGrid Lab:
    Different tools are available:
  1. Workflow Editor
  2. XML Editor
    for the creation of transcriptions based on different schemes (e.g. TEI)
    links the transcription (text) with the corresponding scan (image) and displays both representations next to each other
  3. Text-Image-Link Editor
  4. Project- and Usermanagement

TextGrid: TextGrid Tools and Services[edit]

Use Cases[edit]

  • Musicology
  • Psycholinguistics
