ESciDoc Interfaces

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This page gives an overview on the technical interfaces provided by PubMan.

Search&Export Interface[edit]

The Search&Export interface is a REST interface, with which one can extract data from PubMan. For the extraction the following export formats are available:

  • APA citation style
  • EndNote Export Format

The export fomats can be exported into the following output formats:

  • PDF
  • RTF
  • ODT
  • HTML
  • SNIPPET (PubMan XML format with a html snippet, in which the citation of the item in APA is written)

URL to the interface and the user friendly interface[edit]

How to search[edit]

  • Specify the index, in which you want to search, e.g. in all indexed metadata choose index: escidoc.metadata and enter the search term
    • if you want to search for more than one word, then put the search term into ".
    • you can combine the search in indexes with AND, OR, NOT
  • specify the language of the items you want to find, e.g. language=all
  • specify the export format, e.g. exportFormat=APA
  • specify the output format, e.g. outputFormat=pdf

Query examples[edit]

  • search for all items, that are submitted for publication and from the Max Planck Society:* AND escidoc.any-organizations="Max Planck Society" NOT escidoc.dateAccepted=200* NOT escidoc.published-online=200* NOT escidoc.issued=200*&exportFormat=APA&outputFormat=pdf&language=all
  • search for a certain PubMan item:
  • search for all publications from a certain department:"Department of Psychology"&exportFormat=APA&outputFormat=pdf&language=all

Technical documentation of the Search&Export Interface[edit]

The technical documentation of the Search&Export Interface can be found under: ESciDoc_Services_Search&Export