PubMan Collaboration Scenario

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Collaboration Scenario[edit]

The Collaborator is a user role that privileges special users to access and/or modify items independently of the item status.
An example scenario of the MPI PL is: secretary enters all items and wants to provide all authors with the possibility to access/modify the item in any state

Where are the collaborative rights defined?[edit]

  • collaborative privileges can be assigned on item level (including all components) and/or on context level (all items within one collection)

What has to be done on admin interface?[edit]

  • the admin is responsible for creating collaborative usergroups
  • the user, who wants to collaborate with selected persons, informs the admin about the desired members of the collaborative group and the chosen name of the collaboration group
  • the admin creates the respective collaboration group -> gives collaborative rights to every group member -> informs the enrollee
  • afterwards the user is able to choose single/multiple items for collaboration in PubMan
  • on context level the admin has to set collaborative rights for the respectivte collaborative usergroups on admin interface

PubMan workflow for defining Collaborators/collaborative groups[edit]

  • there are two Collaborator role options:
a) Collaborator who is privileged to view items in all states
b) Collaborator who is privileged to view and modify items in all states

  • on PubMan Item List (My Items) the user chooses single or multiple items for collaboration
    • for whole contexts the admin has to set collaborative rights for respective usergroups
  • on collaboration tab the user can choose the respective usergroup (or also multiple usergroups) for collaboration
  • for every usergroup he/she chooses to collaborate with the user has to define the type of collaboration:
a) Collaboration-View only or
b) Collaboration-View & Modify
  • all users of the selected usergroups have Collaborator rights and are now able to view and/or modify their collaborative items
  • on PubMan Item List it is also possible to deselect items for collaboration / to end collaboration

Who is able to assign collaborative rights?[edit]

  • on admin interface:
    • person, who is responsible for PubMan user management
  • on PubMan:
    • Depositor (if owner of the item)
    • Moderator (or any QARole)

PubMan Item View[edit]

  • collaborative item status can be seen and modified by the Depositor (if owner of the item) and Moderator (or any QARole)

PubMan Advanced Search[edit]

  • query for collaborative items is possible
    • but no possibility to search for special collaborative usergroups (might be solved by working with single contexts)

My Item Workspace[edit]

  • separated into two different lists:
a)"View my items"
b)"View my collaborative items"

New Usecases[edit]

  • UC create collaborative usergroup
  • UC choose item for collaboration
  • UC select type of collaboration
  • UC choose collaborative groups (later: choose single persons for collaboration)
  • UC Pubman My Item: show my collaborative items
  • UC Collaboration Tab for information on collaboratives in view item version

Definition of mentioned user roles[edit]

Term Definition
Depositor Role that when granted allows to create items in the repository and manage items (including components and their content) he/she created in accordance with the overall workflow rules.
Moderator QARole

Is responsible for the quality assurance of the data.

Collaborator Two different types of collaborators: collaborator-viewer & collaborator-modifier.

Role that when granted allows access and/or modify the containers, the items, their components and the internally managed content independently of item state.

Privileged Viewer Role that when granted allows to access all components and their content of a released item in one context/collection independently of visibility.